View Full Version : Free Wood in S. Georgia

Marty Walsh
01-07-2006, 12:08 PM

This is short notice, and probably only of interest to a very few of you since I'm located in Southern Georgia, but I simply HAVE to make the offer.

I'm clearing land on my property for my soon to be built shop. In the process, about 100 trees, almost all Water Oak, had to give up their lives. I've skidded, bucked and split less than half of the Oak, for use as firewood. (I don't like the coarse grain of Water Oak for projects, sorry.)

Here's what's left in Oak:


Anyone that cares to come collect some, (in the next week), is welcome to do so. A few of my neighbors have already come by for firewood, but I thought creekers might like some for projects, (or firewood for that matter). As you hopefully can see in the pic, size runs from 6" tiny little things, up to pretty heft 24"+ diameters.

But, MORE IMPORTANTLY, while bucking this morning, I noticed the chips flying off this particular tree didn't look like the bushels of Oak chips I've had flying for the last week. Once I got the tree apart, I realized it was a CHERRY TREE!

Here's a few pics:


Hopefully this will you give you an idea how large this cherry tree is:

As I mentioned above, I'm going to be building my shop in the next few months, and in the interim I have no where and no way to store this Cherry. If any of you are close enough and want to come rescue this tree from my firewood pile, you're more than welcome.

I won't help with anyone wanting the Oak, but if you come to rescue the cherry, I'll help cut it up and load it, just so it finds its way into someone's projects. (Can you tell I've had my fill of Water Oak? :mad: )

Sorry for the short notice, and also sorry for those that are too far to take advantage of this.

Hopefully some of you might have the ability to save some of this wood from this, it's ultimate destiny:

- Marty -

Marty Walsh
01-07-2006, 12:17 PM
How do I insert images inline without uploading them here as attachments? I have these and more loaded on photobucket, but when I inserted them, using " url ", they come out as links instead of the images themselves.

- Marty -