View Full Version : Get to try a PM tomorrow

Carole Valentine
01-06-2006, 5:56 PM
Have never turned on anything except my Mini and my DVR. Am going to the great metropolis of Lanexa, VA to spend the day messing around in Dick Hines' shop. Guess I better take a box to stand on...he's a foot or more taller than I am.:o

Chris Barton
01-06-2006, 5:57 PM
Careful there Carole, once you have tasted the fruit of the tree of life...

John Hart
01-06-2006, 6:28 PM
Sounds like Carole's gonna have a three-lathe shop here pretty soon!;)

Cecil Arnold
01-06-2006, 6:35 PM
Carole, you may want to skip a step and just go for a Oneway.

Ed Lang
01-06-2006, 6:59 PM

I am near Charlottesville so drive a little, bring a box or we will make one and you can try that Oneway 2436 anytime! But you can not have mine.

I might even give you a hunk of walnut that will make a 48" bowl for your new Oneway:eek:

I almost got the PM, I know you will fall in love and then all over yourself trying to get one on order Monday:D

Michael Stafford
01-06-2006, 7:56 PM
About a year ago I warned you of the slippery slope you were embarking upon. Since then you bought the Jet Mini and then the DVR. Next I see a big Yeller Dawg in your future. I warned you it was gonna be this way. Go ahead and buy the Stubby or the Poolewood or the Oneway and save some money. If you keep upgrading you will not have enough money for more turning tools and doodads......:p

But I must say you have taken to it admirably!:cool:

Ernie Nyvall
01-06-2006, 8:24 PM
Uh-oh, you're a goner now.:D


Carole Valentine
01-06-2006, 8:52 PM
I'm not gonna be lusting after a big mustard monster. You guys forget that I seemed to have headed down the mini road. Besides, after almost breaking my arm last night on a big catch inside a hollow form, I am not real anxious to go BIG right this minute. Maybe when the aching goes away....:D

Bruce Shiverdecker
01-06-2006, 9:06 PM
Enjoy yourself and make sure NOT to brush those chips off with your fingers. WHILE it's turnin':D

Also, be sure to take the camera!

You know, maybe we all need to take a vacation, come back refreshed, and able to stop hurting outselves. Sorry to read about your ouchy.


Dick Strauss
01-06-2006, 9:43 PM
you're in for a real treat (as opposed to a fake one)! My mentor has a PM3520A. Boy are they smooth as silk! In my case, it's like going from a Chevy (no, not a Daewoo) to a Lexus since I usually turn on a Delta 1440. I'm coming to realize that the extra turning capacity isn't just good for making bigger items.

I hope you enjoy the trip and camaraderie!