View Full Version : Smart Question - GREAT ANSWER (sort of)?

Dale Thompson
01-05-2006, 9:54 PM
Hi Folks,
After a "minor" incident in the shop this evening, my wife asked me if there were any "Support Forums" for Wood Workers Widows/Widowers. :) I told her, "Sure! Just type in www.dalet@klutz.me".

The "kickback" came from OUTSIDE the space between the blade and the fence. Also, the cut was completed BEFORE the projectile was launched. As a result, I had moved into the "firing zone". The missile was 3/8"x3/4" and twisted a PERFECT 90 degrees before it encountered my frail, shriveled carcass. :eek:

Fortunately, since the cut was completed, I was standing erect and the "arrow" did not get the ribs. Instead, it found an incredibly massive "growth" of blubber that the breweries of Milwaukee have been perfecting for over fifty years. :) ;)

I have been told that I will be out of Intensive Care in less than three years! :) Assistance with Funeral expenses will be solicited as required. :rolleyes: :cool:


Dale T.

Don Dean
01-05-2006, 10:21 PM
Dale I am glad you're OK! I am currently setting up my first shop (pictures will be posted when done) and I am new to woodworking. Your story as well as the others that have been told over the past few months are both bad and good news. Bad news is a fellow Creeker has been injuried doing what they love; Good news is it makes me more aware of saftey and to depend on the advice of other Creekers when in doubt.

Dale Thompson
01-05-2006, 10:58 PM
Dale I am glad you're OK! I am currently setting up my first shop (pictures will be posted when done) and I am new to woodworking. Your story as well as the others that have been told over the past few months are both bad and good news. Bad news is a fellow Creeker has been injuried doing what they love; Good news is it makes me more aware of saftey and to depend on the advice of other Creekers when in doubt.

Thank you! :)

Please don't let any of the stories that you read on this Forum or any other Forum discourage your enthusiasm in terms of our GREAT hobby. :D

I have been doing this "thing" for many years and have NEVER experienced an injury requiring medical assistance. I was NOT using a guard on my saw. I will not change that but I DO suggest that beginners, or even experts, could benefit by their use. When you are comfortable with your tools, it becomes a matter of personal preference. :D

In my opinion, the most important parts of "safe" woodworking are "sharp" tools and enough "power" to accomplish the cut that you are planning to make. Lacking either of these capabilities is, in my opinion, asking for a major "incident"! :( After a while, you will usually "hear" when the wood is getting angry with you. DON'T ignore the warning!! :cool: :eek:

Whatever, they are kicking me out of the Intensive Care Unit ALREADY!! DANG!! There are still a couple of those pretty young nurses that I haven't made a date with! :( :) Oh Well! I'll leave them my phone number! :cool: :)

Dale T.

Frank Chaffee
01-06-2006, 12:21 AM
All I can say is that I am glad you are as well as you are after that!

Never mind, that doesn’t sound right.

Anyhow, the worst I experienced in lots of years of metalwork was a 7” angle grinder catching on a casting edge and crawling up my arm.

Barely a couple years into construction I broke both of my wrists and one of my necks!!!

If a major fire hoser like you can have an incident like that after all the very fine work you have produced, I need to reconsider my interest in Dev’s saw.

In the spirit of the flowing Creek,

John Bush
01-06-2006, 1:45 AM
Hi Dale,
Sorry for your saw mishap, and I thought the worst was over until I heard that Reginald, your night nurse, is coming down the corridor ready to administer your spong bath> Good luck, John.

Jeff Sudmeier
01-06-2006, 8:42 AM
Thank you! :)

Please don't let any of the stories that you read on this Forum or any other Forum discourage your enthusiasm in terms of our GREAT hobby. :D

I have been doing this "thing" for many years and have NEVER experienced an injury requiring medical assistance. I was NOT using a guard on my saw. I will not change that but I DO suggest that beginners, or even experts, could benefit by their use. When you are comfortable with your tools, it becomes a matter of personal preference. :D

In my opinion, the most important parts of "safe" woodworking are "sharp" tools and enough "power" to accomplish the cut that you are planning to make. Lacking either of these capabilities is, in my opinion, asking for a major "incident"! :( After a while, you will usually "hear" when the wood is getting angry with you. DON'T ignore the warning!! :cool: :eek:

Whatever, they are kicking me out of the Intensive Care Unit ALREADY!! DANG!! There are still a couple of those pretty young nurses that I haven't made a date with! :( :) Oh Well! I'll leave them my phone number! :cool: :)

Dale T.
Dale, somehow I think that if you faked an injury they would let you back in, to flirt with the pretty young nurses you missed!

Jim Becker
01-06-2006, 11:01 AM
Ouch. Sounds like the cut-off "vibrated" back into the blade...'glad you're fine and were "well equipped" for the occasion! :)

Dale Thompson
01-06-2006, 9:10 PM
Hey Guys,
I appreciate the concern - if only it was sincere? ;)

Jim, this was REALLY a weird one. I was trimming 3/8" off of a piece that was about 5" wide and 35" long. It was a beautiful piece of Red Oak. It was not "bowed", twisted or flawed in any other way. There was not a knot of any kind in the board. I had finished the cut, moved back into the "Firing Zone" and "WHAM"! I've had occassional instances of "outside" pieces vibrating back into the blade but they have always taken off at some miscellaneous angle. I have NEVER had one come back like an "arrow" like this one did. All things considered, it was a darn good thing that I was in the way or the "arrow" may have knocked all of my lathe chisels out of their rack. :eek: Those things are EXPENSIVE and they don't heal! ;)

Jeff, I have every plan to fake further injury to get back into that ICU! In the short term, however, I feel obligated to fulfill my promises to all of those pretty young ladies who were wise enough to "sign on" while I was still offering a 1% discount on my dating rates! :)

I am already formulating a plan to get back into the ICU! :cool: I'm sure that the plan will work unless John warns Reginald about my intent. :( Not being stupid, I have already spoken with the hospital administrator about sending HER back to her home base in Seattle! ;)

Frank, try to get it RIGHT next time! :) With all respectful condolences, how many "necks" do you HAVE? I'm already starting to question any thoughts that I may have had in terms of attending Tyler's "Party" in April. :eek: Hey, bud, is it Politically Incorrect to express minimal levels of levity at a person with "multiple" necks? :D

Dale T.

Craig Feuerzeig
01-06-2006, 9:42 PM
I'd blame the blade. :D Glad your ok. Now back up on that horse.

Frank Chaffee
01-06-2006, 10:00 PM
How many heads does the Hydra have?

And regarding your second question; Keith and I have gone on at length about this and decided that your only saving grace on this forum is the levity that you bring. Do not lose it however or you are outta here.

What do you take this place for anyway man, a woodworking forum???


Dale Thompson
01-06-2006, 11:13 PM
How many heads does the Hydra have? Frank

You are a very confusing person. :confused: You NEVER ask a clear question! ;) Which "Hydra" are you talking about? If it is the pretty young nurse from the ICU, I am FAR too much of a gentleman to relate any details regarding our date(s)! :cool:

With regard to the "other" Hydra, I have read reports of anywhere from five to one hundred heads. Having spoken with several eyewitnesses, I would have to concur with the generally accepted value of nine! :eek:

Furthermore, if you know of anyone to whom this may apply, I DID review the situation with Heracles. :cool: We agree that several breathe purifiers are available as over-the-counter products. For inherent halitosis, prescription medication may be the only answer! ;) :)

Dale T.

Frank Chaffee
01-07-2006, 8:50 PM
Yes, I am a very confusing person.

However, I am far too much of a gentleman to inquire about your (alleged) relations with said nurse.

I was stating my question to you as clearly as I could when I asked how many heads I have. Some “acquaintances” of mine have suggested that I am Hydra-like. When I have tried to count my heads I have not been able to achieve a consensus from my unknown number of observation points as to how many there actually are.

The reports you have received of from five to one hundred heads is of little help to me. The “generally accepted value of nine”, likewise; of little help.

I don’t get out much, Halloween being the only time I don’t attract undue attention, but when I next do I will pick up Listerine and floss, maybe even a toothbrush or two for “whomever” Heracles’ breath observations may help.

Re: the number of heads thing, maybe you could help me out with that this spring in Minneapolis.


Dale Thompson
01-07-2006, 9:35 PM
Yes, I am a very confusing person.

However, I am far too much of a gentleman to inquire about your (alleged) relations with said nurse.

I don’t get out much,
Re: the number of heads thing, maybe you could help me out with that this spring in Minneapolis.


With multiple heads, the young lady is referred to in the plural. I get to listen to those "sweet nothings" whispered in my ear in STEREO! ;) :cool:

If Arena is anything like Peshtigo, there is only one reason go out and that is to visit the outhouse. Fifty feet is a short distance in the summer but it becomes a LOT longer when it's thirty below and you have to shovel four feet of snow to get there! :mad: :eek: ;)

I would like to go over to Minneapolis and listen to Tyler whine about pics for a couple of days but I'm not sure which direction in which to "head". :o :)

Dale T.

Frank Chaffee
01-07-2006, 10:03 PM
Now you’ve got me confused too.

Good thing we cheeseheads know which way to head to the head, tho.

To get to Minneapolis in the spring, head west from Peshtigo a few degrees north of a line to the setting sun.

We will meet up there and try to find Tyler and bunch, if they have not headed out of the city.

Spring, right? No, I meant Pesh, in the spring.

Dale Thompson
01-07-2006, 11:15 PM
north of a line to the setting sun.


Hey Frank,
Thanks for the directions. :) The only problem is that we don't see the sun up here from September through July! :) I think that I will have to invent a more all-enCOMPASSing direction finder than a wind chime. I think that I will call it a COMPASS. :cool: ;) One never knows from what dregs true genius will be derived!! :)

Dale T.

Jim Dunn
01-07-2006, 11:56 PM
Dale at our age, I doubt you still have stereo hearing:eek::eek::p, those sweet nothing we hear in our ears are
1: Dinners ready
2: I'll drive you left your glasses at home again.
3: Go to bed your drooling again as you snooze on the couch.
4: Hi Grandpa.

Dale Thompson
01-08-2006, 7:23 PM
Dale at our age, I doubt you still have stereo hearing:eek::eek::p, those sweet nothing we hear in our ears are
1: Dinners ready
2: I'll drive you left your glasses at home again.
3: Go to bed your drooling again as you snooze on the couch.
4: Hi Grandpa.

You've been reading my mail again!! :o ;) :)

Dale T.

Jim Dunn
01-08-2006, 7:25 PM
Couldn't help it. It's the same for anyone over 55:)

Jarrod Nelson
01-08-2006, 8:29 PM
Whatever, they are kicking me out of the Intensive Care Unit ALREADY!! DANG!! There are still a couple of those pretty young nurses that I haven't made a date with! :( :) Oh Well! I'll leave them my phone number!

This hospital sounds fishy. It wasn't the Northpoint Hospital just outside of town on Highway 41 was it? ;)

Frank Chaffee
01-08-2006, 9:03 PM
Yes Dale,
I can understand why you are drawn to this “COMPASS” idea. Please do not think for a moment while I attempt to discourage you from pursuing this nearly worthy idea that I am in any way in argument with your most acute observation that the mass of the earth rotating about its axis generates a magnetic field with “north” and “south” poles which can be sensed and responded to by a magnetized needle balanced on a low friction bearing.

When you first presented this concept to me I was immediately intoxicated by the brilliance of your all enCOMPASSing genius. Somewhat unfortunately however my lowly based reptilian nature grabbed me by several of my necks and shook me to sobriety, informing me that there exist subterranean disturbances that would make such a devise inaccurate and unreliable except along very particular lines that do not coincide with longitudinal divisions.

This reptilian aspect of myself furthermore especially warned me to never gaze upon any devise known as a COMPASS when in view of Polaris, or I would surely be smitten dead forthright!!!

Polaris may flake off +/- ½ degree or so, but it still reigns supreme for our directional sense.

So Dale, I suggest that you begin crawling west (that will be the direction of last light before big dark), now and thru the cloudy days keep the mossy sides of trees to your left shoulder.

See ya there!

Dale Thompson
01-08-2006, 9:30 PM
This hospital sounds fishy. It wasn't the Northpoint Hospital just outside of town on Highway 41 was it? ;)

Are you another guy who has been reading my mail? :) I haven't been there for a while. :o :( It sounds like you're pretty familiar with Northpoint. I'm not allowed in there because it is a , "Gentleman's Club". ;) :cool:

As Tyler would say, "POST SOME PICS!". :D :)

Dale T.

Jarrod Nelson
01-08-2006, 9:34 PM
It sounds like you're pretty familiar with Northpoint.

No, no. I've only seen it driving by on my way to the movies in Marinette. Not a very good family place. :)

Dale Thompson
01-08-2006, 10:24 PM
No, no. I've only seen it driving by on my way to the movies in Marinette. Not a very good family place. :)

North Central Wisconsin? More specifically, where? :confused: Why would you drive all that way just to see a movie in Marinette? :confused: Do you stop for "coffee breaks" on your trips? ;) :confused:

At the price of gas these days, I would suggest that you could save a lot of money by making your daily trips to Weasel's in Three Lakes instead of Northpoint. :) It's a MUCH nicer place and a lot closer (I assume)! I will be looking forward to a Cashier's Check in the amount of 50% of your savings for one year. That should allow me to retire prior to my 105th birthday! :cool: :D :)

As you can see, I will do anything to help a fellow woodworker! ;)

Dale T.

Dale Thompson
01-08-2006, 11:38 PM
Somewhat unfortunately however my lowly based reptilian nature grabbed me by several of my necks and shook me to sobriety, informing me that there exist subterranean disturbances that would make such a devise inaccurate and unreliable except along very particular lines that do not coincide with longitudinal divisions.

This reptilian aspect of myself furthermore especially warned me to never gaze upon any devise known as a COMPASS when in view of Polaris, or I would surely be smitten dead forthright!!!

See ya there!

I like to ask stupid questions so please bear with me. I assume that each of your "necks" terminates with a "head" at the top! ;) With that said, which one do I speak with at Tyler's Party? Are they "numbered", "lettered", etc.? Also, do ANY of them make sense when addressed by a mere mortal? :confused:

Personally, I have no problem looking at the "Pole Star" under ANY circumstances. It seems pretty obvious, however, that you should keep your "heads" down when anything with a "pole", "spear", "lance", "sword", "skewer" or small strategic nuclear weapon is on the horizon! :eek:

Whatever, I'm glad to see that your subterranean lair steared you away from the Earth's rotation as a factor in the magnetic pole. Your references to subterranean forces are much more accurate. :)

Lastly, my design plans for the COMPASS remain most positive (no pun intended)! :cool: The Longitudinal coordinate of Peshtigo is 87:46:43.986W.. With my limited technical skllls, I will round that off to 87.8 degrees. The elliptical cycle of the north magnetic pole places its center at something approaching 82.7 degrees. ;) With that established, I will then rub a simple needle on a magnet and carefully place it in a bowl of unsoftened, non-distilled water to assure that the needle will "float" due to the "surface tension" of the liquid. The water will be my "zero friction bearing". I will then compensate for the error between 87.8 degrees and 82.7 degrees and begin my pilgramage to Tyler's Party. :) Simple, eh? :confused:

My primary concern is what may happen if a TRUE Reagan Conservative visits the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. :eek: :)

Dale T.

Jarrod Nelson
01-09-2006, 1:03 PM
North Central Wisconsin? More specifically, where? :confused: Why would you drive all that way just to see a movie in Marinette? :confused: Do you stop for "coffee breaks" on your trips? ;) :confused:

At the price of gas these days, I would suggest that you could save a lot of money by making your daily trips to Weasel's in Three Lakes instead of Northpoint. :) It's a MUCH nicer place and a lot closer (I assume)! I will be looking forward to a Cashier's Check in the amount of 50% of your savings for one year. That should allow me to retire prior to my 105th birthday! :cool: :D :)

As you can see, I will do anything to help a fellow woodworker! ;)

Dale T.

Don't expect any big cashier's checks in the near future. :) It's a matter of relocation. I moved from Oconto to Arcadia about a year and a half ago. Now I write computer programs for a furniture mfg/retailer here (you should see their dust collection system).


Frank Chaffee
01-09-2006, 7:46 PM
As you have suffered the arrow slung by an outraged (Ms.) Fortune with little injury, I trust that you will be able to achieve, and likely conquer the Twin Cities.

But at what cost, I must ask you; if you seek direction by gazing into a bowl of water? You could seriously erode your political base among TRUE Reagan Conservatives who prefer consulting the stars, as I have advised you to do, than by scrying, which is best left to Bleeding Heart Liberals like me.

Just trying to help a fellow woodworker, mind you.

I look forward to meeting you both because you are intelligent and your political outlook is different from mine.

My primary concern is what may happen if the Minnesota Creekers catch wind of this thread!!! They might not tell us where the party is!!!


Dale Thompson
01-09-2006, 8:02 PM

My primary concern is what may happen if the Minnesota Creekers catch wind of this thread!!! They might not tell us where the party is!!!


Can you BLAME them? :confused: :)

Dale T.

Chris Dodge
01-09-2006, 8:33 PM
I had a similar incident as Dale once about two years ago. It was a small piece of maple about two inches wide by eight inches long. Fortunately for me I caught the wood sidways so it did not stick into me. Unfortunately it caught me on the ends of three of my fingers and jammed them in real bad. It was the most painful experience of my life (and I have been shot once and also suffered severe frostbite on both hands and almost lost the hands!)

my hand throbbed for twenty minutes while I lay on the couch trying not to throw up from the pain. When it subsided I was fine and was doing woodworking the next day.

Watch out for those little pieces that vibrate into the blade!

Dale Thompson
01-09-2006, 9:30 PM
I had a similar incident as Dale once about two years ago. It was a small piece of maple about two inches wide by eight inches long. Fortunately for me I caught the wood sidways so it did not stick into me. Unfortunately it caught me on the ends of three of my fingers and jammed them in real bad. It was the most painful experience of my life (and I have been shot once and also suffered severe frostbite on both hands and almost lost the hands!)

my hand throbbed for twenty minutes while I lay on the couch trying not to throw up from the pain. When it subsided I was fine and was doing woodworking the next day.

Watch out for those little pieces that vibrate into the blade!

Luckily, I got hit about 2" below the ribs. 3" higher and I would have a couple of broken or, at least, cracked ribs. The bruise mark is now about 8" in diameter and "ground zero" is very close to the belt line. I have to wear suspenders to hold up my diapers. ;) :eek: :)

I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Maybe you should consider growing a couple inches of fat on your fingers like I did on my gut. :) It absorbs a lot of the impact. :) ;) Not quite enough, however. :o :( :D

Dale T.