View Full Version : Grogg

Bobby McCarley
01-26-2021, 12:10 PM
This is Grogg, at least that's what the authorities believe his name is. When the authorities try to talk to him all he says is, Grogg, Grogg, Grogg!!! He is one of the innocent bystanders that was arrested at the GLM march and authorities are having a hard time communicating with him. These are his mug shots taken at Police Hq.


David Walser
01-26-2021, 12:19 PM
Grogg should learn not to carry his ‘stick’ in the raised position. Some might find it intimidating. You and I know he just uses it for banging on drums, but those unfamiliar with gnome ways might not. Not many gnow that what many call "thunder" is nothing but the wee gnomes enjoying some drum music.

Bobby McCarley
01-27-2021, 12:51 PM
I agree!!! Hopefully lawyer MacLeod can help him out.

Robert Hayward
01-30-2021, 7:09 PM
Another nice one. Thanks for posting the pictures.