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View Full Version : Limits on threads

Tim Janssen
01-25-2021, 8:46 PM
Is there a limit on the number of pictures that can appear in a thread?
Is there a limit on how long a thread can be?


Ken Fitzgerald
01-25-2021, 9:12 PM
Tim IIRC there is a limit of 8 photos per post and no limits to the length of a thread.

One can make more than 1 post to get more photos within a given thread.

Tim Janssen
01-25-2021, 9:35 PM
Thanks Ken!


John K Jordan
01-25-2021, 11:15 PM
If you want more photos in one post and have an image editing program you can make a composite image that contains more than one photo and it only counts as one. I do this often, sometimes to show different views of the same woodturning.


450372 450373 450374 450376 450375

There, 20 photos in 5 composite images. :)
Some pictures are quite small but sufficient for the purpose, I think.

Also, I agree with Ken, no limits to the length of a post (that I know of, I've written some very long!) but there is a minimum length of 10 characters. But that's rarely a problem. :)


Tim Janssen
01-25-2021, 11:53 PM
Good to know and thanks for the suggestions, John.


Jim Becker
01-26-2021, 8:54 AM
One additional point...there is a physical limit to the number of images within a single post beyond the 8 that cane be attached...and "smilies" count in that limit. I forget what the specific limit is for this forum software, however, but I have run into it personally over the years with occasional "overuse" of smilies.

John K Jordan
01-26-2021, 10:15 AM
One additional point...there is a physical limit to the number of images within a single post beyond the 8 that cane be attached...and "smilies" count in that limit. I forget what the specific limit is for this forum software, however, but I have run into it personally over the years with occasional "overuse" of smilies.

Is that still the case or has something changed? I ask because I did a test last night and added a bunch of emojis to the post with five images and didn't hit a wall. I forget how many I added, maybe 10, different in case identical ones were treated as instances.

Testing again, four lines of just emojis without images.
I got this error message:

The following errors occurred with your submission
You have included a total of 44 images in your message. The maximum number that you may include is 15. Please correct the problem and then continue again.
Images include use of smilies, the BB code [img] tag, and HTML <img> tags. The use of these is all subject to them being enabled by the administrator.

Deleting some:
:( :) :confused: :eek: :mad: :rolleyes: :cool: :p ;) :D :o :( :) :confused: :eek:

One oddity - when testing the Preview Post at first let me insert 42 emoji without giving the error, gave the error message after I added two more. Thereafter, it wouldn't let me proceed until I cut it back to 15. 16 was too many. Maybe the software is just messing with me!


Jim Becker
01-26-2021, 10:20 AM
No changes to the software here in a long time, John. And yes, I was going to guess on 15-16 being the limit.

Tim Janssen
01-27-2021, 9:55 PM
Again, thanks for the information,


Tony Zona
01-28-2021, 8:18 PM
If you want more photos in one post and have an image editing program you can make a composite image that contains more than one photo and it only counts as one. I do this often, sometimes to show different views of the same


Your composite is foobarred on my iPad. It shows up huge, and I can see only the top left. And I can’t slide around to see any more it.

John K Jordan
01-28-2021, 9:26 PM
Your composite is foobarred on my iPad. It shows up huge, and I can see only the top left. And I can’t slide around to see any more it.

Yikes! I'm clueless.

I just tried it on one of my iPads, an Air 3 (OS 14.3) viewing the forum with Safari and it worked the same as on my laptop and desktop computer. These are screenshots from my iPad, the msg and after tapping a thumbnail:

450656 450657

I assume you mean the zoom and the control of the screen was stolen after you tapped on one of the image thumbnails? Or was it when viewing the post itself?
What kind of iPad are you using?
A double-tap didn't do anything?
Using the 14.3 OS software or did you just update to the new 14.4? (Settings/General/About)

Maybe try it again, perhaps after closing down Safari and restarting the iPad.

Oh, are you in the Mobile mode or the VB4 Default (Full Site) mode? I've heard that Mobile mode may have some limitations. I did test both modes on my iPad just now and saw the same thing as in the screen captures above.

I wonder if anyone else has seen that. I've posted hundreds of photos but haven't yet had similar feedback.


Tony Zona
01-28-2021, 10:39 PM
Fer crine out loud. I didn’t do anything except set my iPad downvote two hours ago and pick it back up now.

And it sees your pix just fine now, as usual.

never mind.

John K Jordan
01-29-2021, 11:28 AM
Fer crine out loud. I didn’t do anything except set my iPad downvote two hours ago and pick it back up now.
And it sees your pix just fine now, as usual.
never mind.

Whew! Glad it's working!

Ha, maybe it's Apple messing with you, slowly nudging you to buy a new iPad.

Or a stray cosmic ray. This is a fact, discovered about 40+ years ago - it's rare but a cosmic ray can change a bit in some types of memory chips causing random problems. A restart will fix it.


Tony Zona
01-29-2021, 11:41 AM
Thanks, John. Now I have to worry about cosmic rays.

Jim Becker
01-29-2021, 7:22 PM
What? You want things to work logically every time? Sheesh... :D

John K Jordan
01-30-2021, 2:12 PM
Thanks, John. Now I have to worry about cosmic rays.

If you need even more to worry about, cosmic rays are suspected to be one, if rare, causes of chromosome and cell damage in the body.. A big problem in space, we on the ground are mostly protected - more danger when on a mountaintop or airliner. There is lots of info on the interweb for anyone interested. This is one fairly low-tech and interesting article that seems reasonably complete: https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/7/16/17690740/cosmic-rays-universe-theory-science

It does say this: "...The camera in your phone works because photons — the subatomic particle that constitute light — activates a sensor at the back of the lens. Cosmic rays can activate the sensor too. (Every once in a while, too, a cosmic ray can interfere with a microprocessor and cause a computer to crash.)"

Science geeks can make their own cloud chamber and see particles that come from space. Again, a lot of info on the web. When in high school a friend designed and built a fairly large continuously operating cloud chamber for a science project. It was amazing. He was offered a job by Westinghouse!

JKJ, geeky but not a physicist

Tim Janssen
02-06-2021, 9:46 PM
I'm picking up on this thread again.
Has the limit of 8 pictures per post change recently, because I saw a post on building or changing some small tables and it had as many as 14 or 15 pictures per post?
That was yesterday(feb 5)
Just curious


John K Jordan
02-06-2021, 9:52 PM
I'm picking up on this thread again.
Has the limit of 8 pictures per post change recently, because I saw a post on building or changing some small tables and it had as many as 14 or 15 pictures per post?
That was yesterday(feb 5)
Just curious


I didn't see that thread, but if the pictures are not uploaded to SMC but are stored a web page somewhere and displayed with the URL option I don't think the limit doesn't count. You can tell since uploaded photos are displayed as thumbnails and referenced photos are full size. If something else, maybe provide a link.

BTW, the URL reference method is not encouraged for one reason - if the external web page ever goes away the post and thread might not make sense. Uploaded photos are stored on the SMC server.


Jim Becker
02-07-2021, 8:52 AM
I'm picking up on this thread again.
Has the limit of 8 pictures per post change recently, because I saw a post on building or changing some small tables and it had as many as 14 or 15 pictures per post?
That was yesterday(feb 5)
Just curious


Nothing has changed. The 8 image per post limit is for images uploaded to SMC. (which we prefer so thread content is preserved for future viewers) Folks who hose photos elsewhere will hit the 15 linked image limit...smilies are included in that metric.

Tim Janssen
02-07-2021, 1:05 PM
I finally found the thread I referred to in my earlier post. The title of the thread is "Greene and green coffee table and end table build"
Here is the link(hope I do this correctly) https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?289379-Greene-amp-Greene-Coffee-Table-and-End-Table-Build
I don't mean to get anyone in trouble, I just want to make sure I understand things correctly.


John K Jordan
02-07-2021, 1:41 PM
I finally found the thread I referred to in my earlier post. The title of the thread is "Greene and green coffee table and end table build"
Here is the link(hope I do this correctly) https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?289379-Greene-amp-Greene-Coffee-Table-and-End-Table-Build
I don't mean to get anyone in trouble, I just want to make sure I understand things correctly.


Yes, those photos reside on another web page and are referenced here. Click on one and you can see.

But no trouble for anyone! The "rules" here don't prohibit this, but do encourage uploading.

As one example of what can go wrong: some time back many people stored photos on Photobucket and referenced them in threads here and elsewhere. In 2017 Photobucket suddenly changed everything and started charging a bunch of money for the previous free service. Lots of photos all over the internet were suddenly not viewable. There have also been many cases where people put photos on their own private website and due to various reasons eventually shut down that site. This also orphaned a number of threads in this and other forums.

One advantage to referencing photos instead of uploading is you get to show off the full-sized imaged instead of thumbnails, possibly for more impact. However, there is a way to do that without uploading into a post. Simply upload to a photo album here then reference that! As an example of the difference , here is a photo referenced from the my SMC photo gallery and the thumbnail displayed when I upload it:

Referenced from the SMC album:


The full sized photos can give more of a "blog" look. The thumbnails can be kinder to those who have slower internet access.

If you're not familiar with the albums, you can create and access them from the left panel when you view your profile (your name at the top of the screen) or view the albums of others by clicking on their name in a thread or the directory (Community/Member's list). I think you can have 25 photos per album so I made three pages of woodturnings to date: https://sawmillcreek.org/album.php?albumid=862


Ken Fitzgerald
02-07-2021, 2:06 PM
One of the problems I see in having the photos residing off site is that if you lose that photo as in the Photobucket example, the threads potentially can become a lot less valuable as people can no longer see an example of what someone is trying to convey or ask a question about.