View Full Version : Viking Gnome

Bobby McCarley
01-20-2021, 3:21 PM
The weather has been nice for the last couple days, so ready to get back in the shop without the heaters. I decided I needed to start making some more Gnomes to get ready in case they have SWAT this year. This is Gardar Svavarsson, my version of a Viking Gnome. The wood is Cypress, the horns are deer antler and his shield is colorwood with a star washer as an accent, his helmet has a leather band around it. He's about 4 1/4" tall. Judging from the split in his helmet, he has seen his days of battle.

David Walser
01-20-2021, 4:17 PM
Bobby -- That's very cool! I really like the details you added with the spear, shield, and horned helmet.

John K Jordan
01-20-2021, 5:15 PM
That is great! (And nice photographs too :))

What did you use for the hair?

And do you have more gnome photos somewhere? I searched your started threads and didn't find any.


Bobby McCarley
01-20-2021, 7:45 PM
I use faux fur from Hobby Lobby. I have some others that I did last year, I will try and post them later on.


Frederick Skelly
01-20-2021, 8:27 PM
That's neat. I like it!

John K Jordan
01-20-2021, 10:35 PM
I use faux fur from Hobby Lobby. I have some others that I did last year, I will try and post them later on.


Fantastic! Your little guy gives me dangerous ideas. :)
Hey, have you thought about putting some photos of some of your wonderful work in a album here? I think it would be great if more people used the albums.

BTW, if anyone is not familiar with the albums on SMC, they can be accessed by clicking on your name at the top right of the screen (or on anyone's name) and find the Albums in the left sidebar. It's easy to create an album or three and upload photos, add comments, etc. Here, for example, is one with some of my woodturnings. You are apparently limited to 25 pictures per page so this album has three pages at the moment: https://sawmillcreek.org/album.php?albumid=862

Another thing you can do with a photo in an album is to get the link and paste it into a forum post or private message to display it full size instead of as a thumbnail.

For example, the thumbnail vs the image:



The size displayed depends on the size uploaded. I generally resize all photos to moderate size to be friendlier to uploading and email.
The thumbnails, of course, will display the full image which is usually better for space and readability, but occasionally it might be useful to show the larger size directly.

You can use a link to a photo hosted elsewhere but this keeps it all in-house. This avoids the potential problem of the photos disappearing if the host page ever goes away.


Bobby McCarley
01-21-2021, 12:05 PM
John, I made an album with my Gnomes in it, https://sawmillcreek.org/album.php?albumid=962, thanks for the idea. I also made a couple of stop motion videos of my Gnomes on Instagram, but I don't think Sawmill supports videos and not sure how you could see the videos if you don't have Instagram.

I looked at your albums and they are very impressive and you do great work.


John K Jordan
01-21-2021, 1:01 PM
John, I made an album with my Gnomes in it, https://sawmillcreek.org/album.php?albumid=962, thanks for the idea. I also made a couple of stop motion videos of my Gnomes on Instagram, but I don't think Sawmill supports videos and not sure how you could see the videos if you don't have Instagram.

I looked at your albums and they are very impressive and you do great work.


Fantastic! I love the curly-hair. Now I wanna know what you use for THAT hair!

I've never looked at instagram. Can you upload your videos to youtube? Then you could paste a link in a post like this.


Or maybe better, use the Insert Video button next to the Insert Photo button to embed the video in a post, like this (some little deer I watched one day - I stood very still :)):


Don't know if this will work with instagram, might give it a try.

Thanks for the kind comment on my turnings. As you might see, I generally like to make small things!


Bobby McCarley
01-21-2021, 2:57 PM
John, the curly hair is doll hair, also from Hobby Lobby. I will play around and see if I can add or link the videos I did.
