View Full Version : Setting up a fence on a RAS

Bobby Robbinett
01-19-2021, 7:09 AM
I have an old 16” Dewalt RAS and I would like to build a new top, fence, left and right extension tables for using it dedicated to crosscuts at 90 degrees only. I have the space for 8ft left and 8ft right. I will also be using a track and stop for accuracy and repeatability.

My question is how do I initially setup the fence on the top of the saw? I would like to get the saws platform and fence setup first and then use that to line up the fences on my extensions. What do I register the main platforms fence by? Should I just bolt down the platform then trail and error the fence to the blade until it is square? Any ideas?

Robert Engel
01-19-2021, 7:17 AM
All 3 of the radials I’ve had have a way to mount the top in two pieces with the fence clamped between them using support bars and clamps that squeeze the fence.

Beast of a saw.

William Chain
01-19-2021, 7:50 AM
Sounds like an old GE model or a younger relative. Are the table mounting bars or anything still there? Typically one builds a table, and there is either a bolt or wedge mechanism to secure the fence. You would install your fence good and straight and then square the arm to the fence (not the other way around). If the mounting hardware is missing, you can build something better using unistrut from the borgs. If you take a look at the Delphi dewalt ras forum, there’s a user named Ewing that has a series of photos posted on his unistrut table build on such a saw. He can talk you through it.

Curt Putnam
01-19-2021, 7:35 PM
This book may be of value - link. https://www.mrsawdust.com/