View Full Version : Rotorazer - what else do I need?

Bob Cooper
01-09-2021, 9:51 PM
Well it plunge cuts like a Festool track saw; replaces a bandsaw — see commercial for a demo of how tough it is to use a bandsaw; has dust extraction; replaces a table saw, tile saw, sawzall,

im thinking of selling all my equipment and just buying this

Jim Becker
01-10-2021, 9:40 AM
https://bn1301files.storage.live.com/y4mM3McujeLRwr429d6owfrWQLQ52Xv8yEuSx0CQ3-gE7PlrTUDpu2C2IUyEEXEP32D_4HsUT92DwvnyfRZs6r7tEhVo X76Qf6Gu-uK8S_irHSoui-p1i5AP_qY1YKp6fflDUFgj2RDkL_SVX0uc26KcNzDDmKH7zyaK S9TMmo21pMfnUZ9daSsjKNhPMM8Gscc?width=244&height=256&cropmode=none

Joe O'Leary
01-11-2021, 12:19 PM
Think of the space you'll save!!!!

Bruce King
01-11-2021, 1:50 PM
Can you shave with it ?
How many have a RotoZip? Awesome tool but mostly used it to cut granite tiles for receptacles, holes etc.