View Full Version : Kind of Hand Plane ?

Mike Burke
01-08-2021, 6:54 PM
A friend gave this to me today. I can tell it's not a quality "vintage" plane but can you tell me what I have here ?
It's in good shape and needs cleaned up.

Aiden Pettengill
01-08-2021, 7:35 PM
Does it have anything written anywhere on it?

steven c newman
01-08-2021, 8:34 PM
I seem to recall a brand...( know that logo that Wallmart uses?) called Worth......

Mike Burke
01-08-2021, 8:46 PM
I found Challenger on the iron
stamped steel parts...old dime store special 449028

Jim Koepke
01-09-2021, 1:44 AM
Those usually make me cringe when found in the wild.

If the blade seems to be of good metal, find another plane in which to use it.


Mike Burke
01-09-2021, 6:20 AM
That was my thought also. Paper weight maybe...pawn it off at the antique store.

Rob Luter
01-09-2021, 8:05 AM
I had one with a folded metal frog like that. The brand was "Worth". It was actually Worthless. After extreme fettling it was able to take shavings from wax and soap, but always struggled with any sort of wood. It was a $2.00 garage sale find so it's in a landfill now, slowly dissolving and returning to its roots.

Jim Koepke
01-09-2021, 11:19 AM
The knob and tote may be worth salvaging, if for nothing else than to use as coat hooks somewhere.
