View Full Version : Home-built vac chuck

Joe Tonich
01-04-2006, 1:30 PM
Thanks to Al Crandall, I now have a vac. chuck. :D Al has writted very detailed instructions on materials needed (down to the aisle at Loews :D ) and construction of the chuck. My vac pump (an old fridge compressor) pulls 26Hg and I'm getting 20Hg at the drum when I put a piece of ply on to check for major leaks. I used a ball valve shut-off w/drain valve that works great for adjusting the vac. pressure in the system. The only thing is the fittings on the drum side of the tube won't fit thru the headstock of my lathe (JET 1236) so I leave it in after taking off the drum. I'm using a coupler on the end to protect the threads. I messed the threads on the end so when I do have to take it out for my steb drive, the nuts stop at the same place everytime I put them back on so the O-ring seats correctly when I reinstall it again.

It ain't pretty, but it is functional and will do till I get my shop in order. :o

Best of all, the pump was free (found a small fridge on the treelawn on trash day) and have under $40 in the chuck if I remember right. :D :D :D

You can find Al's write-up if you Google 'Al Crandall vac chuck'. I also want to thank my good friends, Travis, Jim K, and Dick P for their input and sending me pics of their set-ups. Hope when I get the shop set up right it looks as good as theirs!


Dennis Peacock
01-04-2006, 2:20 PM
Looks good there Joe!!!!! Congrats on the vac-chuck setup. Things will never be the same again buddy. :D

Jim Ketron
01-04-2006, 5:23 PM
Nice looking Rig Joe, glad you got it on line!
Bowl turning and finishing off bottoms will be much easier now!

Travis Stinson
01-04-2006, 7:49 PM
Alright! Way to go Joe. Life just got easier for ya.;)

Dick Parr
01-04-2006, 8:37 PM
Just so long as it works Joe, it don't have to be pretty. Great job.;)

Mark Cothren
01-04-2006, 9:21 PM
Good work Joe! Now put some miles on that rig!

Joe Horne
01-05-2006, 8:03 AM
It appears to me you have yourself quite the cobbled together mess there, I hope it works better than it looks? :rolleyes:

Mark Cothren
01-05-2006, 10:13 PM
Hey Joe H, the proof is in the puddin'... how about postin' up some pics of your first-class setup.

Since I've know first-hand from Joe T that it works fine, I guess your wish came true...:rolleyes:

Charles McKinley
01-09-2006, 4:55 PM
Thanks Joe,

I need to make one for my 1236.

Where did you buy the smaller face plate?

