View Full Version : Aeon Laser - Any owners in here?

Scott Gibbons
01-03-2021, 10:53 PM
Good evening,
Been doing my due diligence and researching lasers and honestly I am all over the place. I started looking at Boss, Rabbit, Thunder, then Laguna EX. Then I decided buy once cry once and started looking at epilog and Trotec. I am waiting on a quote from both of those (Speedy 360 and a Fusion 32 (both 60w and 80w).. I suspect they will be close to 40k my target is 25k and I really don't want to exceed 30k. While doing some more reading I came across a company called Aeon, Turkish design, US support, Chinese components but available with an RF Tubes? Curious if anyone here owns one and what the general consensus is. I plan on doing more cutting than engraving.

Thank in advance!

Bert Kemp
01-05-2021, 10:45 AM
Hey Scott looking at their website all I saw was Glass tubes didn't see RF listed anywhere, did I miss something.
I haven't heard of them before and havn't heard them mentioned but we do know Rabbit,Boss and thunder and of course the 3 big$ ones too. Personally I own a rabbit 6040 with a 60 watt tube and have been very happy with it over the last 5 years , the Support from Rabbit Laser USA has been awesome. When I went from win 7 to 10 They were on the phone with me for like an hour helping me with the change.Your gonna be a cutter you said so you want more power like80 to 100 or more watts. Guys here have Boss and Thunder and they are happy too. also looking at prices they all seem to be in the same ballpark as aeon so if it was me I'd go with the devils we know.

Keith Outten
01-05-2021, 10:59 AM
Scott, if your going to be doing commercial work I recommend Trotec and Epilog. Trotec is my first choice, the speed is invaluable when you have tight deadlines to meet. The current atmosphere concerning China may become a problem in the near term. Something to consider.

Scott Gibbons
01-05-2021, 11:01 AM
Thank you. I spoke with the distributor in Florida yesterday and I am waiting on a quote for the nova model with an 80w RF tube. Curious to see what comes back, I’ll post it up as soon as I have it. I have also been looking at rabbit/boss/thunder but the Iradon RF tube was interesting. But I tend to wonder if that drives the price up
to a trotec/epilogue level

Scott Gibbons
01-05-2021, 11:07 AM
Thanks Keith I spoke with the marketing rep at trotec yesterday and the sales rep is going to call me
today. I requested a quote on a speedy 360 w/80w tube and rotary attachment. I have no idea what they are going to come back with, I also explained I would be open to purchasing a demo unit.

Kev Williams
01-05-2021, 1:20 PM
I own 4 C02 lasers and 3 fiber lasers. The reason is, no matter how fast any of them are, any one machine can be a bottleneck... My Gravograph (you should check those out too) LS900 was out of service waiting for the 16 year old tube to be repaired for 6 months due to pandemic issues (among others), and just that one machine not helping out added 1 to 2 hours to my workdays. It's back in service, life is easier ;) -- If recent quote requests pan out, I WILL be acquiring a 4th fiber laser, just to avoid jobs backing up...

My point: be aware that by spending a lot up front, it may affect your ability to expand later. There are other options to buying a new top o' the line laser. Such as, DO consider a good used machine. 10 of my machines I've bought used, zero regrets...

Scott Gibbons
01-05-2021, 1:37 PM
I am totally open to used and if I do go the trotec route I would have to. I was hoping the aeon would be a good middle of the road between the two extremes. I am not going to rule anything out, I look at the ls900 but I was looking for something a bit larger. They do have the LS1000 but I have to assume that is far above my budget

thank you for your advice, much appreciated

Kev Williams
01-05-2021, 1:47 PM
I believe (going from memory, which is suspect these days ;) ) my Gravo rep told me he could get me a 150w LS1000 for $55k... lots of cash but considering it's capabilities... My issue with it is I don't have much use for that much power or size. Fully half of my laser work fits in my 12 x 18" LS100 :)

Scott Gibbons
01-05-2021, 2:00 PM
I assumed it was in the 50-60k range. Double my budget lol

Bert Kemp
01-05-2021, 2:18 PM
On something about cutting no matter what machine you get cutting speed will be about the same, so spending big bucks on a trotec or epi thinking its gonna cut a lot faster is not true. It takes power and slower speed to cut and their all about the same.

Tony Lenkic
01-05-2021, 3:05 PM

Check this site for used lasers.........https://www.laserresale.com/

Scott Gibbons
01-05-2021, 9:44 PM
Will do, thank you

Scott Gibbons
01-05-2021, 9:48 PM
I don't think I am as concerned with the speed as much as I am about getting everything working since this is my first laser. Having Trotec being only 45min from my house is kind of nice.

Bert Kemp
01-05-2021, 9:57 PM
I don't think I am as concerned with the speed as much as I am about getting everything working since this is my first laser. Having Trotec being only 45min from my house is kind of nice.

Im pretty sure Rabbit laser will personally deliver the laser , set it up and teach you how to run it in your own place.

Hilton Lister
01-05-2021, 11:24 PM
Aeon Lasers come with a choice of glass, RF and ceramic tubes. Check out Pulse Laser systems AU. The trouble with asking questions regarding lasers on a forum like this is that you are always going to get someone fiercely defending the brand they operate. It's not easy to make a choice and very often comes down who you know and what it costs

Ralph Undis
01-06-2021, 2:05 AM
I also thought that it was a Turkish design, but not according to this post on Reddit from a salesperson for Aeon in China https://www.reddit.com/r/lasercutting/comments/co4dpc/looking_at_the_aeon_mira_laser_but_havent_seen_a/

There have sold a lot of them in the US in the last year. Their engrave speed is one of the faster for a Chinese laser. This is a pretty decent video of what they do to prepare them - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDqYtb7GT14&ab_channel=ThatMomwithaLaser

Aeon has a fairly active group on Facebook.

Josh Barclay
01-08-2021, 12:38 PM
You should be able to get a Trotec Speedy 360 80w for under 30k easy.

Julian Ashcroft
01-21-2021, 6:09 AM
I have two Aeon Lasers, bought them both direct from the factory. One is a Mira 5 with a 30w RF tube. The other is a Nova 10 with a 100w glass tube. Both ran straight out of the crate without having to do any mirror adjusting and have been problem free since I got them (touch wood). Their build quality is a step above a lot of Chinese machines. really solid construction and well put together.

From what I could find out there are a couple of Aeon Companies out there, I think there was a split of some type, so you have aeonlaser.com and aenonlaser.net Some of their models also seem to be available from other companies with different names on them.

lucian coman
01-29-2021, 2:31 PM
Good evening,
Been doing my due diligence and researching lasers and honestly I am all over the place. I started looking at Boss, Rabbit, Thunder, then Laguna EX. Then I decided buy once cry once and started looking at epilog and Trotec. I am waiting on a quote from both of those (Speedy 360 and a Fusion 32 (both 60w and 80w).. I suspect they will be close to 40k my target is 25k and I really don't want to exceed 30k. While doing some more reading I came across a company called Aeon, Turkish design, US support, Chinese components but available with an RF Tubes? Curious if anyone here owns one and what the general consensus is. I plan on doing more cutting than engraving.

Thank in advance!

Aeon is just a brand, are about 3 companies in China bolting together the very same machine. Yes is a branch in Poland and one in AU, if I remember well ,what customize them with 30-40W metal tubes. At a certain point yes a Turkish company had some shares in Aeon, and they brought the "western design" a-typic to the china blue/white, not anymore, they fight way to much. They are not Thunderlaser but they are kind of ok, quality of parts used is medium.Both Thunderlaser and Aeon sell more or less for the same price , both made in China. Depends from where you buy price for a 6090 with a Reci W2 tube, in US about 10K both brands, in China 4-5K both brands. You can buy Aeon unbranded from other bolt together people 2.7-4K USD. Boss is total crap is just a pimped out G-Weike LC series rebranded and put some "fancy" stuff on it, the addons are insanely expensive. Trotec is an idea, good machine, or you can buy about 7 Thunder and keep them for parts, will last you easy 30 years.

Bert Kemp
01-29-2021, 3:27 PM
and this posted from someone that has 1 post. I love these people that come here and spiel out a bunch of words , trying to make us think they know something and then poof their gone. Tell me Sir where did you get all this knowledge about lasers and whats good and whats not.
Aeon is just a brand, are about 3 companies in China bolting together the very same machine. Yes is a branch in Poland and one in AU, if I remember well ,what customize them with 30-40W metal tubes. At a certain point yes a Turkish company had some shares in Aeon, and they brought the "western design" a-typic to the china blue/white, not anymore, they fight way to much. They are not Thunderlaser but they are kind of ok, quality of parts used is medium.Both Thunderlaser and Aeon sell more or less for the same price , both made in China. Depends from where you buy price for a 6090 with a Reci W2 tube, in US about 10K both brands, in China 4-5K both brands. You can buy Aeon unbranded from other bolt together people 2.7-4K USD. Boss is total crap is just a pimped out G-Weike LC series rebranded and put some "fancy" stuff on it, the addons are insanely expensive. Trotec is an idea, good machine, or you can buy about 7 Thunder and keep them for parts, will last you easy 30 years.

Hilton Lister
01-30-2021, 2:25 AM
Just because you don't post often, doesn't mean you haven't done your research.

Scott Gibbons
01-30-2021, 6:27 AM
Thank you all. I ended up going with laguna. They cut me a great deal on a CO2 and a fiber laser that I could not pass up

Bert Kemp
01-30-2021, 1:11 PM
anyone who makes statements like Boss is total crap hasn't researched , if you go thru the threads here you will see lots of people have Boss , Rabbit, Thunder, Gweiki and most say their machines are pretty good and very happy with the build and how their machines run.I never heard Dave say anything bad about anyof those.
Just because you don't post often, doesn't mean you haven't done your research.