View Full Version : Holiday off to an amazing start

Christopher Herzog
12-24-2020, 8:32 PM
Grandson is two. He is a spirited young gentleman! His granny just made bread pudding for Christmas dinner tomorrow. When no one was looking he managed to get a hold of some dish soap and add that little bit of flare to the dish.

Tis the season!

Frank Pratt
12-24-2020, 10:24 PM
Aren't they the best?

Bill Dufour
12-24-2020, 10:31 PM
Was it a festive green soap or maybe red?
Bil lD

Mike Soaper
12-24-2020, 10:42 PM
Grandson is four. I put up the train garden under the Christmas tree this year. Used powdered snow that I can never seem to use up, it looked a small quiet town under freshly fallen snow.

After my grandson played with it, part of town looked like the plows had been thru.

But that's ok, the trains are there for him to play with just like i did when i was a kid

Same Lionel engine and marx cars, and some of the same 1940's?/50's cardboard houses.

Gotta run, I need to go chew on Rudolph's carrot a bit.

Merry Christmas

Christopher Herzog
12-24-2020, 10:53 PM
It was a Palmolive soap. Purple lavender I believe. The bread pudding tastes fine in one corner. The rest will make you think twice about life choices and why it was a good idea to try it!