View Full Version : Osmo info ???

John C Bush
12-24-2020, 11:09 AM
I am making a desk top for a neighbor using a big leaf maple slab and Osmo Polyx has been recommended for the finish. Big leaf maple is a bit soft and I would like info on hardness/durability of the surface finish with regard to dents, pen pressure marks, etc. I am also making a sycamore slab dining table for him and wonder if the Osmo is a good choice
for wear and water resistance. A friend used it on a sycamore coffee table and it looks good and was easy to apply--just wondering if any of you have long term experience with Osmo.
Ease of application is appealing but kind of spendy!! Thanks and Happy Polidays. John.

Jamie Buxton
12-24-2020, 5:50 PM
I tested it, and found it wasn’t as water- resistant as I want. It would resist a quick splash, but when I left a puddle on it for a half hour or so, there would be a mark. The mark felt slightly raised, like water had gone through the finish.

Jim Matthews
01-02-2021, 7:00 PM
I've only made a single trial with this stuff.

I found it necessary to bear down and apply it with a small abrasive pad.

It must be applied sparingly for best results.