View Full Version : Spray Booth Contractor

Sean Leonard
12-23-2020, 9:28 PM
I run a small cabinet shop in Northwest Houston and I've about had it with my setup for finishing. I don't have a proper spray booth, so the setup/teardown time for our temporary booth is killing us. It's nice to do the work in-house, but it consumes too much time and precious floor space, so in the end I think we're losing money. Not to mention most of the work in the 4000 square foot shop shuts down while we're spraying on a finish. I hate seeing the CNC idle for 2+ days. I'm tempted to no longer offer finished cabinets, and hire a painter who can finish them once installed.

I've looked and asked around locally, but haven't had luck finding someone in the area that has a booth that would contract out some spray work. Just throwing this out there to see if someone may know of a resource in my area, or if anyone has any better ideas.

The neighbor to my us is an auto body shop. They exclusively do muscle cars and fire trucks. He doesn't have a booth but he does all his spraying in one bay of his shop. I talked to him today and he may be interested in filling his down time with spraying my cabinets. Could be a solution...