View Full Version : Cutting saw plate

Blake M Williams
12-18-2020, 9:53 PM
Can you guys give me some advice on cutting spring steel for saws.

Currently I'm using a cut off wheel. Thick angle iron as a guide/heat sink. Going lightly to keep it from getting too hot. After a couple passes the plate will snap off.

Not bad but I'm looking for a better way, no sparks lol.

What kind of shear can you guys recommend without spending 700 bucks on a beverly. I want to make straight cuts without the waste side curling or getting any distortion with the cut.

For example, I see bench mounted shears and some are throatless.

Eric Rathhaus
12-18-2020, 11:28 PM
Blake you might want to check in with the hand tool forum over at Wood central. A lot of those guys are into tool making, and they frequently discuss tools making. I guess there's also a tool making forum here too.

Blake M Williams
12-18-2020, 11:50 PM
I'll search for it thank you. I was just looking up reviews of shears. Like this one.

https://www.eastwood.com/8-in-bench-shear.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAw_H-BRD-ARIsALQE_2OMX4zX9XUr2G61gJVufB9dPWVoKKmcyxzjBehFQ_ BKooccFTMkpjQaAokDEALw_wcB

Pete Taran
12-19-2020, 10:40 AM
That will work. There is no bench shear made that won't curl the piece you are cutting off. Just the reality of how shears work. Even floor models curl the offcut slightly. Use a good pair of tin snips, the kind that look like big scissors. They work in a pinch and are far better than abrasive wheel.

Blake M Williams
12-19-2020, 8:24 PM
I was looking at this too. I'm curious if getting a larger one is worth it. I don't mind tin snips either if someone can recommend a good set they have used. I don't want to buy too cheap and buy twice lol.

https://m.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200659734_200659734?cm_mmc=Google-LIA&utm_source=Google_LIA&utm_medium=Metal%20Fabrication%20%3E%20Sheet%20Met al%20Fabrication&utm_campaign=Klutch&utm_content=49698&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5vb-BRCRARIsAJBKc6IvZ4Me3IdkpPRnGnt-enzcNkehGljvAfY7P57DBqnCTmRlKD9NK1IaAqTwEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Jim Koepke
12-20-2020, 6:40 PM
Blake, How much work do you have planned for one of these shears?

That would be a lot to pay for a one or two time use.


Blake M Williams
12-20-2020, 7:06 PM
Handful here and there.

Jim Koepke
12-21-2020, 1:46 AM
Handful here and there.

Then it comes down to whether an 8" or a 12" better serves your needs or deserves your dollars.
