View Full Version : Used Dewalt DW735 Planer

Ben Hutchinson
12-03-2020, 7:07 PM
A 2004 DW735 planer popped up on Craigslist for $260. It seems to be in decent condition, and pictures look like it wasn't abused. Seller doesn't know exactly everything about it since it was his late father's. Did this seem live a fair price for being 15+ years old? TIA

Richard Coers
12-03-2020, 7:27 PM
When thickness planers get down to that price, it's probably already gone. If not go see it, run it, and then make the decision.

Frank Pratt
12-03-2020, 8:18 PM
I'd get over there quickly with some cash in my pocket. If it looks good, it'll be gone in a hurry at that price.

Andrew Hughes
12-03-2020, 8:28 PM
Even if it needs some repairs I say its worth a try.
Even a broken 735 would be better then anything from Horrible Freight who sells tools and machinery worth zero new.
Good Luck

Michael J Evans
12-03-2020, 9:32 PM
I payed 400 for mine used to yes! I'm my local there were going between 400-500 used.

Justin Rapp
12-03-2020, 10:10 PM
Seems a light on price but the owner might not really know. I put my 734 on sale here for I think 250 (helping other members) but if i don't get a bite in a few more days it goes on marketplace and craigstlist for a bit more, maybe 300 or so.

So that price is great for one that's been lightly used / well cared for. Not so good for one that's been trucked around from worksite to worksite and used in a commercial setting.