View Full Version : Band Saw Blades

Guy Mueller
12-01-2020, 12:56 PM
Has anyone bought bandsaw blades from Sawblades.com, what's your experience with them

John Keeton
12-01-2020, 4:07 PM
Guy, I will be interested in responses to both of your threads. The small business I used to order from has closed due to the owner's health issues. They were a great resource - good blades, excellent prices and prompt service. Fortunately, I was able to get an order in a few months ago and in discussions with the owner and hearing his thoughts on closing I added a few extra blades to the order. I shouldn't need any for awhile, but always good to have another source.

allen thunem
12-01-2020, 5:42 PM
I used to buy my blades from saw service of washington. good prices and good service and prompt too
Quite honestly I have always been bewildered by folks buying high dollar blades that take a beating during processing of bowl blanks.

John King
12-01-2020, 9:09 PM
Check out www.toolcenter.com (http://www.toolcenter.com). They come highly recommended by a well known woodturner. - John

tom lucas
12-01-2020, 9:17 PM
I get mine from bandsawbladesdirect.com Lennox bimetal. Best I've ever used.

terry mccammon
12-02-2020, 10:35 AM
That is where I get mine. Full and fair disclosure, I buy the least expensive blade and only use my bandsaw for either breaking down green wood/logs/slabs for turning or rough cutting on carving blanks. The blades I get seem fine, they certainly seem to last appropriately.

Reed Gray
12-02-2020, 12:14 PM
I am lucky to have a bandsaw blade maker here in town. When I started years ago, Duke, the old guy in the shop asked me what I was going to be cutting and I told him bowl blanks. He told me to get the Lennox diemaster bimetal blades. Best blades out there. Cut longer and straighter than any others. They can be resharpened a number of times if they don't break. Not the cheapest price, but best value/bang for your bucks.

robo hippy

Guy Mueller
12-02-2020, 4:47 PM
That is where I get mine. Full and fair disclosure, I buy the least expensive blade and only use my bandsaw for either breaking down green wood/logs/slabs for turning or rough cutting on carving blanks. The blades I get seem fine, they certainly seem to last appropriately.
I'm not seeing the blade your talking about

Guy Mueller
12-02-2020, 5:00 PM
I am lucky to have a bandsaw blade maker here in town. When I started years ago, Duke, the old guy in the shop asked me what I was going to be cutting and I told him bowl blanks. He told me to get the Lennox diemaster bimetal blades. Best blades out there. Cut longer and straighter than any others. They can be resharpened a number of times if they don't break. Not the cheapest price, but best value/bang for your bucks.

robo hippy
I found the blade your talking about but it looks like its for metal not wood

terry mccammon
12-03-2020, 11:26 AM
I'm sorry I was not clear. It is the Q101. Also again under the heading of full and fair disclosure, I buy the 1/2" blade, .25" thick, 3 hook. I have the Laguna 14"SUV with a pretty serious motor. As I am only making rough cuts, I use the blade until it simply won't hardly go at all. I will admit that I let the big motor over come the wear on the blade. Folks who first of all know what they are doing and secondly are doing more legitimate work with their saw, may well have a different experience with blades. Nonetheless, I find these folks pleasant to deal with a guy who buys so little. They do have a $50 minimum, so I get three or so at a time, which means I am ordering every year or so. I have purchased better blades and invariably, due to the fact that I am cutting up wood from urban tree services, I ruin the blade when I hit fence wire, or nails, or whatever was embedded in the tree long ago. So I quit buying anything very good. And of course I seldom hit a nail now that I am not ruining an expensive blade.

Guy Mueller
12-03-2020, 11:42 AM
I found the blade your talking about but it looks like its for metal not wood
I'm going with the Lenox Blade

Guy Mueller
12-03-2020, 11:48 AM
Going with Lenox

Reed Gray
12-03-2020, 12:08 PM
The bimetal blades have teeth made from M42 HSS. The set of the teeth are what makes it a metal blade or a wood blade. The bimetal blades are what are used for pallet cutting blades. Pretty sure those have a different set than the wood blades.

robo hippy

Richard West
12-03-2020, 5:12 PM
Reed would you post a link to purchase the bandsaw blades you use for cutting blanks? I am not finding Bi-Metal wood blades for thick material, with 2 or 3 tip.

Reed Gray
12-04-2020, 1:02 PM
Tom Lucas above, gives one link. I buy mine at Oregon Industrial supply here in Eugene, OR, and they do ship. You could probably google Lennox and find a 'source close to you'.

robo hippy

tom lucas
12-04-2020, 4:30 PM
Tom Lucas above, gives one link. I buy mine at Oregon Industrial supply here in Eugene, OR, and they do ship. You could probably google Lennox and find a 'source close to you'.

robo hippy

I just put a 4 tpi 1/2" on my 17" bandsaw for cutting bowl blanks and resawing. It cuts great! I also have a 1/4" 14/18 on my 14" bandsaw for cutting tighter radiuses. I'm on my second blade there. Got about 3 years and a lot of cutting out of the first one, even cutting 4" think hickory in tight turns. I'm sold on them.