View Full Version : RECI W8 180W laser tube issue

Chuck Kahler
11-25-2020, 11:32 PM
RECI W8 180W tube issue

Was cutting at about 40% power and after about six minutes the laser quit cutting.

It has been working great up until this incident.

Any suggestions on where to start troubleshooting this issue?


Bert Kemp
11-26-2020, 1:12 AM
First I would make sure the water flow sensor is working and the tube is getting water. Then I would check all the door safety switches make sure their all making a connection.

Chuck Kahler
11-26-2020, 1:42 AM
Thanks Bert, I’ll check those out tomorrow.

Bert Kemp
11-27-2020, 1:53 PM
Did you find the problem?

Chuck Kahler
11-27-2020, 2:14 PM
With Thanksgiving holidays, I have not got to the shop to further diagnose my issue.
hopefully later on today.

I do know that it is not the waterflow sensor or the door switches.

my power supply is showing the proper DC voltage in and voltage out but no amps out

Kev Williams
11-27-2020, 4:44 PM
Just from reading other such posts over the years, if you haven't yet, check both wires to the laser, more than one person has had that problem--

Chuck Kahler
11-27-2020, 5:02 PM
Thank you, I will be checking that later today and report back.

Chuck Kahler
11-30-2020, 12:31 AM
The wiring appears OK.

It looks like my RECI P18 Power supply has gone bad.
this is a bit surprising because it doesn’t have a lot of hours on it. it’s only out pulling 1.8 mA and the RECI W8 laser tube requires 3 mA to fire it.

I have ordered a replacement power supply made by “light object”.

will report back when I get the new power supply.
Thanks for all the help,

Rich Harman
11-30-2020, 4:39 PM
It looks like my RECI P18 Power supply has gone bad.
this is a bit surprising because it doesn’t have a lot of hours on it. it’s only out pulling 1.8 mA and the RECI W8 laser tube requires 3 mA to fire it.

Pretty sure the same thing happens when the tube goes bad.

If you watch the tube while firing it can give you a clue.

Chuck Kahler
11-30-2020, 6:34 PM
It appears that nothing is happening in the tube when I try to fire the laser.


Bert Kemp
11-30-2020, 8:30 PM
Not surprising if your Pwr supply is not putting out.

Rich Harman
12-01-2020, 1:07 AM
That is a good indication that it is not the tube.

Dave Sheldrake
12-01-2020, 12:07 PM
You measuring residual current (at the black wire from the tube) or on the actual PSU Chuck?

Chuck Kahler
12-01-2020, 2:26 PM
I fired the tube, Shut everything down and
then checked to see if there was any residual voltage at the negative side of the tube.

there was no residual voltage, suggesting the power supply what is the issue.


This method was suggested by Marco from “Light object’s”.

Chuck Kahler
12-01-2020, 2:43 PM
Not surprising if your Pwr supply is not putting out.

Yes, sounds reasonable, the only thing that surprises me is this RECI Power supply does not have very many hours use on it.


AL Ursich
12-01-2020, 4:01 PM
You could open the bad power supply and post some close up pictures of the inside. We may be able to point you to what to check.

I have never opened a Laser Power Supply but Power Supplies were my specialty when I worked at the Sony Picture Tube Plant in San Diego in the Mid 90's.

The clearer the pictures the better.


Chuck Kahler
12-01-2020, 6:46 PM
Thanks Al, I Will take some pictures And post them later.,Chuck

Chuck Kahler
12-02-2020, 8:38 PM
I found the problem.

The high-voltage wire within the ceramic connector was completely burnt through.

While looking for a new high-voltage ceram connector I’m seeing a lots of people have problems with these connectors.

can someone recommend a good way of splicing these high-voltage wires without using the ceramic connector?


Kev Williams
12-02-2020, 11:03 PM
I recently bought some of that 'Bondic' UV activated glue. Quick review: I love the stuff except for the fact it doesn't stick to what I'm trying to glue most of the time..? But, unless there's an insulating or dielectric or other problem with it, seems it would be a great way to bond two twisted wires together; goop it on, hit it with the UV light for 5 seconds and the glue is totally cured hard. Add more to make sure the splice is totally covered if needed :)

-Unless Dave Sheldrake advises against it :) (I've heard a few guys say they've used silicone sealant to cover their splices, so...)

Rich Harman
12-05-2020, 12:03 AM
can someone recommend a good way of splicing these high-voltage wires without using the ceramic connector?

I can't tell you if it is "good way" but this is what I did, and it has not given me any problems.

I stripped about half inch of insulation from each side and soldered it together in a lap joint.
Then I wrapped electrical tape around the bare wire until it was the same thickness as the insulation.
Then I wrapped a LOT of electrical tape around the joint about covering about 6" (three inches each way) until it was about 10mm thick.
Then I covered it with a length of silicone tubing.

Chuck Kahler
12-07-2020, 11:33 AM
I opened up the power supply and looked446446446447 everywhere for something burnt and could not find anything.

this is a nice power supply with digital readout Which include some diagnostic information. But nothing relative to this failure.

It would be nice to find A couple components that simply need replaced.

I do have the new power supply from “light objects” and the Laser is back in operation.


here are some photos.446445

Chris Pedersen
12-11-2020, 5:05 PM
Hey Dave,

Any chance you're tired of winter weather in the UK and would fancy a fishing trip in Miami?
I've a Golden Laser 130/150 CO2 cutting table giving me fits!