View Full Version : Voice activated on/off switch

dennis thompson
11-24-2020, 5:00 PM
Is there such thing as a voice activated on/off switch that can be used for a table saw?

Myles Moran
11-24-2020, 5:09 PM
The biggest hurdle will be the amperage of the motor. Many relay activated switches aren't going to handle the surge of a motor startup. How big of a motor does it have?

Richard Coers
11-24-2020, 5:26 PM
You could train your dog!

Warren Lake
11-24-2020, 5:40 PM
couldnt even get her to sit. Then when I started the saw if she as around she did a dance that meant I dont like the high pitched sound. Never found hearing protectors that fit her well enough.

Randy Viellenave
11-24-2020, 6:23 PM
There are many ways to do that, but I recommend against it. There are always delays, especially when processing voice. While that isn't a big deal if you're turning it on, you need quick off, and that isn't it. I use Homeseer with the Alexa plugin for my lights and such, takes between 1-4 seconds to complete the action. If you're set on it, then use one of the low amperage switches to drive one suitably sized.

Matt Day
11-24-2020, 6:35 PM
Sounds like a pretty bad idea. What if it went off accidentally while having a conversation, or from the radio or music?

johnny means
11-24-2020, 7:24 PM
There are plenty of Google type electrical outlet thingies around. They work through Siri or Alexa or whatever. I'm not sure how useful they'd be around machinery and power tools.

Matt Day
11-24-2020, 7:26 PM
Oh yeah, and why do you want to do this?

Also, saying “turn off” over the noise of a TS likely won’t work.

Bill Carey
11-24-2020, 7:54 PM
Sounds like a pretty bad idea. What if it went off accidentally while having a conversation, or from the radio or music?

Worse if it went on accidentally

Jim Becker
11-24-2020, 9:12 PM
I have no concerns about using voice control for things like lighting, but I would never consider it for a power tool that cuts with a blade.

Bill Dufour
11-24-2020, 9:27 PM
Tis the season for "the clapper."
Bil lD

dennis thompson
11-25-2020, 6:19 AM
Thanks for the replies, Ok, sounds like a bad idea, one of many I've had☺

Alan Lightstone
11-25-2020, 9:04 AM
Tis the season for "the clapper."
Bil lD

Darn. Beat me to it.

I tried getting Alexa to cook my turkey. Having no luck there either.

I've lived in several very high-tech homes with serious, expensive home automation. I would never consider voice activation for a power tool. Sounds like a very bad idea to me.

Bill Dufour
11-25-2020, 9:17 AM
My aunt and uncle, a rocket scientist working for Lockheed, lived in a fancy high tech house in Pasadena with High quality German made remote light controls etc. Built around 1960. The lights would go on and off as airplanes flew overhead.
Bill D

Tom Bender
12-04-2020, 4:15 PM
You could set it up to turn off but not on.