View Full Version : Microjig sticking board

Christopher Charles
11-22-2020, 12:59 AM
Hi all,

Inspired by Derek's use of microjig clamps on his Moxon, I bought a pair. I have not yet tricked out my Moxon, but did make a pair of sticking boards, one short (~2') and one long (~4'). The set up is basically the Microjig plans for a tapering jig and a fence. These allow quick set up stock to the edge of the sticking board and bench so these can be used to guide the fence of the grooving plane. Here's the Microjig plan (I have not affliation):


The boards have the Microjig jig as the base and each has two fences, a wide one for narrow stock and a narrow one for wide stock (i.e., larger drawers) to allow clearance of the plow plane from the clamps. And a brass screw as a planning stop. Here's the wide stock set up cutting a groove on a drawer front from the NBSS chest I've been working on:


and the narrow set up with a small drawer side.


These would not be easy to make without a router/table saw, but the good news is they do double duty on the table saw. Took about an hour and some plywood scraps. A similar sticking board can be done with t-track as well, as I think Derek has done. In other words, not my idea, but passing along my incarnation in case useful to others.


Derek Cohen
11-22-2020, 8:49 AM
Hey Chris, that's nicer than my one! :)

Mine does not have any clamps. You give me ideas!

What I would recommend is that you swap the screw stop for one of these - I simply filed a piece of unhardened O1 ..


This is such a useful fixture for planing drawer grooves.

Regards from Perth


Christopher Charles
11-22-2020, 12:52 PM
Thanks Derek and very glad to have returned the favor in a very small way after years of benefiting from your ideas. And good idea on the stop--I actual just had a bandsaw blade break and a short piece might do nicely...