View Full Version : E-Bay Oliver

Reg Mitchell
01-02-2006, 9:01 PM
Howdy Guys,
Just thought i would let everyone know that the pea green Oliver 232 that is for sale is a picture of my saw. Not really sure what he is selling and I have contacted E-Bay about the picture. Just don't someone buying something that isn't for sale.

Mark Rios
01-02-2006, 9:27 PM
Maybe they're getting READY to steal it. Let loose the dogs and double check the locks. :D

Reg Mitchell
01-02-2006, 9:31 PM
laughing......I hope they can move very fast cause that thing weighs about 1000 lbs and plenty of time to get a good shot away....even in the dark....:D

Jim Hoelzel
01-02-2006, 9:56 PM
I just sent the guy an email, asking if I can come over and look at the saw. Of coarse he said I could. I do not live far from where he says it is.

If you would like for me to forward you the email, send me yours and I will.

Corvin Alstot
01-02-2006, 10:04 PM
Not sure how you can lose, its for pick-up only
(if I have the right auction). Pick-up and pay.

Mark Rios
01-02-2006, 10:05 PM
Maybe go over with the local constable. Give him a surprise????:D :D :D :D

Reg Mitchell
01-02-2006, 10:11 PM
true corvin ....but i know of a lot of ppl that are looking for a saw like that one and if i had to drive a long distance to get it and then it be somting i wasn't sure i wanted ....somebody would be getting an a$$ kicking.
He has acknoldged that that isn't the actual pic of the saw he is selling though, but that still isn't right to do something like that

David Fried
01-02-2006, 10:15 PM
If I looked at the right ad, the questions and answers at the bottom may answer your question:


Q: Is the green paint in the photo the original factory color or have you repainted it?
A: I am sorry this picture is not of the actual saw. It is the closest pic I could find of a saw that was in comparable condition. Yes I feel my saw has ...

Dave Fried

Roger Barga
01-02-2006, 10:18 PM
There is a plausible explanation for this...

Many people do not have ready access to a digital camera or the software to capture and scale down a digital image. So, they run a google image search and then copy/paste the first picture that is a good match for their purposes. I agree this isn't what one should do when selling an item since it may misrepresent the item for sale, but I confess that I have done it myself when selling a new item on Ebay (I simply copy a picture right off the manufacturers website).

Reg Mitchell
01-02-2006, 10:20 PM
true David....I sent him an e-mail and told him if he didn't tell ppl it wasn't an actual pic I would tell every bidder it wasn't.....don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to stop the guy form selling something . It's just a little suspecious I guess to show someting and have something else for sell

Reg Mitchell
01-02-2006, 10:25 PM
just trying to alert people roger and hope that no one gets burnd, I already have had a friend in Maui send me an e-mail asking if that wasn't my saw.....he is looking for one like it and he would fly here to get it.

Corvin Alstot
01-02-2006, 10:53 PM
Your correct. The biggest problem is a chance of a mis-represented item and wasteing time and resources if it is not in the same shape/ condition. In a situation as this, its best to live locally or reflect this problem in the bid amount.


Chris Giles
01-03-2006, 9:52 AM

I saw that listing, and figured something was up. Hard to imagine that exact color showing up twice on the same model machine and in a familiar background. He should say "reasonable Facsimile, not actual machine" right with the Photo. I assumed he had some affiliation with you, and the saw was being resold. Glad you posted this to straighten it out.

Reg Mitchell
01-03-2006, 12:32 PM
thanks Chris it would be odd to see 2 saws with that color thats for sure. I HAVE HAD EMAILS AS FAR AWAY AS MAUI TO LET ME KNOW SOMEONE HAS STOLEN MY SAW OR RESALING IT. e-bAY ISN'T MUCH HELP, THEY SAID THEY WOULD LOOK INTO IT IF I WOULD SEND THEM AN UNCROPED PIC FROM MY PERSONAL WEB SITE. Wel I don't have a personal web site but i sent a link to photo bucket maybe they can use that.
Nice to know that guys in here look out for each other. A nice place to be:)

Rod Upfold
01-03-2006, 2:56 PM
Actually he can't use the picture legally...whoever took the picture owns the "right's" and you can ask him to remove the picture or pay you for the use of your picture.

Steve Clardy
01-03-2006, 4:51 PM
I looked over the listing. 100% feedback.

So it's probably just a matter of him/them using your picture.
Other than that I don't see anything fishy.

Reg Mitchell
01-03-2006, 4:57 PM
I can't see that someone would bid on something they are not accuality looking at, but there are a few guys in the fourm that live close to him....so maybe they can have a look see if they are intrested. E-Bay is no help at all but I have their # and will be calling them this evening;)

Tim Marks
01-06-2006, 9:18 PM
now what would really make you stop and think is if you saw a picture of your saw for sale on ebay, and it said "local pickup only", and listed YOUR HOME TOWN! as the location.

Either someone is going to do a little five finger discount action, or SWMBO is selling your tools out from under you...

Reg Mitchell
01-06-2006, 9:30 PM
now what would really make you stop and think is if you saw a picture of your saw for sale on ebay, and it said "local pickup only", and listed YOUR HOME TOWN! as the location.

Either someone is going to do a little five finger discount action, or SWMBO is selling your tools out from under you...
Well e-bay asked me to supply them with an uncroped pic. I sent it to them and they pulled the auction. I let the guys at OWWM know too and they say it hapens a lot because ppl don't have pictures of the things they sell. I just couldn't see me buying something I can't see.

Steve Clardy
01-06-2006, 10:19 PM
Yea. Just checked my watch list. It has evaporated.