View Full Version : Blum Legrabox vs Grass vionaro

Zachary Caldwell
11-15-2020, 7:37 PM
Just curious if anyone on here has used either of these systems and if they have a preference. One thing I see about the Grass system is that it looks like less work on "building the box". You don't have to notch the underside of drawer bottom. Wife and I are close to finalizing our kitchen plans and are thinking of using these as our drawers.

Jim Becker
11-15-2020, 8:03 PM
I'm not familiar with those specific names, but I have some Ikea cabinets in our laundry room that utilise a Blum metal drawer box system...and I really like them. They are strong, move smoothly and don't lose volume from material thickness that wood drawer boxes require. I'd certainly consider this kind of system for a kitchen for sure.

Jamie Buxton
11-15-2020, 8:20 PM
Are you sure the Grass doesn't require notching the drawer rear? In the Grass description, they say the Vionaro sides rest on Grass Dynapro slides. In a catalog entry for a Dynapro slide I see a drawer notched, just like all the other undermount slides.

Peter Kelly
11-15-2020, 11:50 PM
Slightly more work upfront to rabbet the bottom for the Blum Legrabox but it's much easier to assemble the final drawer as they don't require the proprietary machinery the Grass systems are optimised for. Just be forewarned that any of these type of systems require 16mm sheet material for the backs and bottoms (less common) and the machining tolerances need to be extremely tight.

Dave Sabo
11-16-2020, 1:47 PM
re you sure the Grass doesn't require notching the drawer rear? In the Grass description, they say the Vionaro sides rest on Grass Dynapro slides. In a catalog entry for a Dynapro slide I see a drawer notched, just like all the other undermount slides.

Yes, we're talking about metal "box systems" - not drawer runners with wooden drawer boxes.

Slightly more work upfront to rabbet the bottom for the Blum Legrabox but it's much easier to assemble the final drawer as they don't require the proprietary machinery the Grass systems are optimised for.

This really isn't quite accurate. Vionaro doesn't require machinery to assemble. You can just bend the 3-4 tabs flat and screw the sides to the drawer bottom like you would with the Blum products. All euro box systems are "optimized" for machine assembly, but I've yet to see one for which it is required. Machining need to be tight for all drawers at some point in the process.

Legrabox is the more elegant of the two. The adjustment cover cap is on the outer drawer as opposed to Vionaro's inside, offering easier fitment of inserts. And, subsequent adjustment. Legrabox also has more choice of drawer depth in the USA, Vionaro having just three if I recall. Comes in stainless steel too.

Vionaro is less expensive. A very nice box and you don't have to deal with making that notch that Legrabox requires. For a one off project that doesn't require Stainless or a specific depth , I'd go with Grass.

Mark Bolton
11-16-2020, 5:03 PM
In our experience everything Grass puts Blum to shame. Blum has chiseled out a notch in the market and then more in the hobby world. Grass, and Salice however crush Blum in a mile of different areas so my advice would be to order in some samples or have your reps get you some information so you can make an informed decision. A lot with regards to these systems depend on a shops availability, support, and more so, habits. We lost easy access to Grass a long while back and it was a brutally painful loss. Having been Grass/Salice for a long time, whenever Blum is spec'd we are pretty miserable.

Zachary Caldwell
11-16-2020, 11:06 PM
Thanks for all the replies. I have easy access to each and have seen the legrabox from a customer and it is sharp but seems to have a lot of pieces. Looking at the grass it seems like less pieces and milling. I was really curious if anyone had used the either of the two. One thing about legrabox that I see is nice is the different lengths of slides available like 11"-26". I am going to do a sample of each here soon and make a final decision.

mreza Salav
11-17-2020, 12:59 AM
We used stainless steel Legrabox in a couple of houses we finished recently; used powered opening systems for drawers (higher end cabinets).
Very nice looking and slick. Have no experience with Grass.