View Full Version : Spiral Upcut bit sharpening??

Tom Norton
11-13-2020, 9:11 AM
These are carbide. Has anyone had success sharpening these?

Jim Becker
11-13-2020, 9:20 AM
Vortex, Connecticut Tool, etc., all have the ability to sharpen tooling like that. Keep in mind that sharpening will slightly change the metrics of the cutter so if it's for CNC use, there will be a need to make adjustment in the tooling specifications accordingly so that edge positions remain accurate.

Bill Dufour
11-13-2020, 10:37 AM
Any machine tool sharpener can do those. Just say it is an endmill and keep the current geometry. Search tool and cutter sharpening. Note a home drill bit sharpener will do nothing for it.
Bil lD

David Buchhauser
11-15-2020, 7:34 AM
Any machine tool sharpener can do those. Just say it is an endmill and keep the current geometry. Search tool and cutter sharpening. Note a home drill bit sharpener will do nothing for it.
Bil lD
Your are correct Bill. Endmills and drill bits are two entirely different animals.

Brad Shipton
11-15-2020, 8:57 AM
I have had vortex sharpen bits for me, but you need to send quite a few for it to be cost effective unless you have a free shipping option.

Bill Dufour
11-15-2020, 9:29 AM
Maybe he lives next door to Vortex and can walk them over? He has yet to state location even to continent. Maybe he is in China. Probably lots of sharpening services there with all the manufacturing . I bet shipping to Dawson Creek is expensive and slow.
Bil lD

Jim Becker
11-15-2020, 9:30 AM
I have had vortex sharpen bits for me, but you need to send quite a few for it to be cost effective unless you have a free shipping option.

That's a really good point. I've been keeping those in need of some love in a container and even after two and a half years with my CNC, I really don't have enough to justify sending them out, especially when replacements are easily sourced for reasonable prices. I'm guessing that a sharpening service is "more better" for folks doing production work with larger cutters that are uber-expensive to replace.

Brad Shipton
11-16-2020, 12:18 PM
Jim, I have sent some of my larger bits for milling aluminum bits, or others that are expensive to replace. They mic them after sharpening and label them. If you buy your bits from Vortex them they have some really good deals for sharpening, but it still adds up.

Bill, it is not slow to get goods to me, but it is expensive.