View Full Version : Youtube settings

Doug Garson
11-06-2020, 2:07 PM
Is there a setting in Youtube that causes videos to start playing after they have been watched when you leave the page and then return? Seems to me until recently if I returned to the Youtube page it wouldn't start playing the last video I had watched but lately it does.

Jim Koepke
11-06-2020, 2:24 PM
Youtube will load the next video and play it if you do not pause the video being watched or cancel play of the one showing next if your account is set to autoplay:


Look above the selection of other videos to find the switch.


Doug Garson
11-06-2020, 8:38 PM
I don't have autoplay turned on, it seems it is not doing what I described anymore, not sure what changed must have been something I did without noticing. Thanks for the help Jim.

Bruce King
11-07-2020, 10:11 AM
They did some software tricks to get the political ads to run more. Might get better later. Also the browser might be setup that way assuming if you go to that window again you must be wanting to continue. Web pages like news content have embedded videos that will start playing again even if you don't have the tab open.

Jim Koepke
11-07-2020, 3:21 PM
It might also help to know what kind of machine or Operating System you are using.

Also helpful would be knowing if you are using a viewing app other than something in the OS.


Doug Garson
11-09-2020, 1:06 AM
Sorry Jim, thought I had replied earlier but guess I forgot to push post. I'm using Chrome on Windows 10 tablet, I thought it wasn't still happening but it is. I watched a video to the end, left the tab and returned a while later, it replayed the video from the beginning including a commercial before the start of the video. Doesn't always do that, sometimes when the tab opens it shows the next batch of recommended videos like it normally does. So far can't figure out any pattern. As I said, autoplay is off. Haven't intentionally made any changes to Chrome or Youtube lately.

Jim Koepke
11-09-2020, 2:15 AM
Chrome, and other applications, will sometimes change settings on their own.

My memory is foggy on an autoplay setting in Chrome.

If there is a stand alone video player as part of the OS it might also have a setting.

On the Macintosh one can restart and hold a key combination to reset the Parameter Ram. This often clears up some of the variable setting issues. Not sure if Windows or any tablets have resettable Parameter Rams or an equivalent.
