View Full Version : dog storage

Aaron Liebling
10-27-2020, 1:23 AM
I have a good collection of various dogs and a few holdfasts. I was thinking of sticking the holdfasts in the holes in the front of one of the legs, but what to do with the dogs? There are 8 or so, of various sizes and materials - wood, plastic, and metal. Also a wide planing block that fits two holes at one end.

Do I just stick them all in dogholes out of the way at the back of the bench?

Jim Becker
10-27-2020, 8:57 AM
This is how I'm currently handling it...

https://sn3301files.storage.live.com/y4mJyxNIfkUfHY5iUHfzal7Nrozedns0RNSeJizFnuQbvS7Pl8 Ok_HSl34sj9eB_wlCy4Pt3g9imbfCFBZby0PYLK2-NVKx6POhPcYGKwqkjwlPuljio86eNO9nwR3zfg2U4nhT_g3Mp-hFbCi9moCGb7dZKMROIUvES8dEUuegPeaRYuivjXm85t6-nV_rFmF_?width=660&height=495&cropmode=none

Frank Pratt
10-27-2020, 9:26 AM
I keep mine in the last row of holes on the bench. They rarely get in the way & it they do, I just move 'em.

glenn bradley
10-27-2020, 11:08 AM
Mine are in a drawer at the bench.

Prashun Patel
10-27-2020, 1:14 PM
I made a 2x4 wall 'shelf' with 3/4" holes. I have similar shelves for chisels and marking gauges.

Frederick Skelly
10-27-2020, 1:37 PM
Mine are in a rack, sorta like Jim's, except mounted to the wall above my bench.

Clark Hussey
10-27-2020, 5:18 PM
As I was reading the title Dog Storage with my dogs sitting in front of me. I was wondering why the hell would anyone want to store their dogs.

Bill Dufour
10-27-2020, 7:28 PM
As I was reading the title Dog Storage with my dogs sitting in front of me. I was wondering why the hell would anyone want to store their dogs.

A kennel was my first thought on reading the title.
Bill D

Matt Day
10-28-2020, 8:43 AM
This is how I'm currently handling it...

https://sn3301files.storage.live.com/y4mJyxNIfkUfHY5iUHfzal7Nrozedns0RNSeJizFnuQbvS7Pl8 Ok_HSl34sj9eB_wlCy4Pt3g9imbfCFBZby0PYLK2-NVKx6POhPcYGKwqkjwlPuljio86eNO9nwR3zfg2U4nhT_g3Mp-hFbCi9moCGb7dZKMROIUvES8dEUuegPeaRYuivjXm85t6-nV_rFmF_?width=660&height=495&cropmode=none

Something is wrong with your bench Jim - it’s way too clean!

Jim Becker
10-28-2020, 8:59 AM
Something is wrong with your bench Jim - it’s way too clean!

Trust me....it's not...that photo was taken just as I finished making the new top. :)

mike stenson
10-28-2020, 12:49 PM
I have a wooden dog in every dog hole in my bench. They're square dogs, I just push em up or down (they're flush with the top, being wooden makes this trivial). I keep holdfasts in holes in the legs. My planing stop hangs on the wall :) There are all sorts of ways to do it, really just ends up being what works best for you. It's fun hearing how people deal with this though.

Aaron Liebling
10-28-2020, 2:57 PM
My bench is 24 inches wide and currently has a full row of dog holes along the front (in line with a dog on my twin tail vise), a more spaced row down the middle (mainly for holdfasts, but also in line with a dog in the tail vise), but not in the rear half of the table. I'll want some eventually, but I wasn't sure where yet, so I'm waiting to drill them until I figure out what feels right. This means, not a ton of extra holes for dog storage on table.

Definitely no "right" way, so great to see the different approaches everyone has taken. Thanks again!

Jim Dwight
10-30-2020, 8:55 AM
My "bench" is quit different, Paulk Style, and my dogs are 20mm. But I store them and the clamps for my track saw and that work in the table top in a shall drawer that opens on both sides of the top. The runners are a simple L shaped bracket screwed to the under side of the bottom layer of the top. Works great and is one of my most used drawers.

Tom Bender
11-03-2020, 8:59 AM
Is that Purpleheart and fiddleback Maple?

And what height is your bench most often?

Jim Becker
11-03-2020, 12:44 PM
Is that Purpleheart and fiddleback Maple?

And what height is your bench most often?

Purpleheart and chary (https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?281828-Project-New-Main-Bench-Top-(build)&highlight=Bench) primarily with a couple pieces of "really old" white oak at the vice end. The two heights I use the most are all the way down at low desk height so I can work while seated in a chair for detail work and about 33", or so which is the same height as my CNC table. The latter is convenient as I go back and forth between them in support of CNC work. But I move it up and down depending on what I'm working on at the moment...it only takes a few seconds to do so.

Rod Sheridan
11-10-2020, 7:22 PM
Dog storage?

I let Macbeth wander around wherever he wants, normally he stores himself on the patio or in his bed:D

Actually I store my dogs in a plastic bin on the shelf......Rod