View Full Version : I gritted my teeth and bought a Tormek

Allen Bookout
01-02-2006, 12:43 AM
It is kind of like wanting a new flat screen TV and having to buy a washing machine. I needed something to sharpen my "stuff" with that would work for someone with no skill in that area.

I still think that it is overpriced. I could have bought a new Grizzly 8" jointer for what I spent. I had to keep in mind that it would pay for itself and it is convenient (no down time or having to have too many extra blades standing by). It appears to be a quality machine and quality is not cheap. I think that the grinding wheel may be a major cost for them. Also it does what it is supposed to do --- even for me. I got out my worst hand chisels, some with chips and one even overheated and others with bad bevels and several of our worst kitchen knives and one old dull hand plane iron and after watching the DVD video from Sharptoolsusa and a little practice they are all very, very sharp now with the correct bevels. I got out my new hand chisels that I paid Woodcraft to sharpen before they shipped them to me and there is no contest. My old chisels that I sharpened will cut paper held with the thumb and finger, just like in the video. The new ones will not even come close to making a test cut.

I would buy from Sharptoolsusa again for several reasons.
1. They include the stone grader in the price of the basic system. You have to have it to be functional.
2. Their own DVD is excellent. You could get their DVD seperate if you decided to buy from someone else.
3. They have good information on their web site.
4. They were very helpful on the phone.
5. I ordered in the morning hours and in one hour I had an email from them saying "shipped" with a tracking number.
6. They only deal in Tormeks so they really know their product.
7. They double the warranty to six years.

Some thoughts:
Don't rush and install the stone on the unit until you either read the directions or watched the DVD.
Get the diamond truing tool (another necessity) and true up your wheel to your machine before you use it.
Don't over fill the water tray unless you want to spill some water when you take it off.

I bought the cabinet makers package so that I could sharpen my jointer and planner blades but have not needed it for that yet but I suspect that the machine will be excellent for that fuction also.

Dev Emch
01-02-2006, 1:44 AM
Thanks for the post Allan. I have put off buying a tormek because its a vertical solution and you have buy and keep buying stuff from tormek. However, having said that, it is also true that few machine based solutions work as well as the tormek and you can always finish off the last few percent by hand on say sharpton stones. That is, to put a micro bevel onboard.

I am getting lazy in my old age so thanks for putting up the seller. I think its time for me to just give up and buy myself one of these finally and once and for all for myself also.

Good luck...

Allen Bookout
01-02-2006, 1:51 AM
Well Dev, You are always helping people out so I am glad that I can be of some small assistance to you. Allen

Glenn Clabo
01-02-2006, 7:24 AM
One of the nice things about having a "system" like the Tormek is ease of use and accuracy. With those key elements...there is no need for a micro edge. It's simple to put the right bevels on...and keep it sharp. After all the main reason for a micro edge is to quicken the sharpening process by lessoning the area to be sharpened. I think those (an old machinist like me for instance) who end up swallowing the high cost end up finding it well worth it in the long run. Sharp tools become the norm not the pita that causes you to sometimes use a dull one...just one more time.

David Duke
01-02-2006, 7:50 AM
I was always like Alan, never could get-keep an edge on a blade. The wife and kids bought me the Tormek for Christmas a year ago and within 45 min of setup I had all my chisels (which were in horrible shape) sharp, I went out and bought just about every jig they had for it and must say that I wish that I would of saved my money except for the planer/jointer guide which works extremely well. I have 15" blades and have sharpened them IIRC 4 times in the past year and each sharpening has taken less time than the last and the results were as good if not better than what I was getting from a sharpening service. I really haven't tried the other jigs except for the standard chisel/plane blade which comes with the unit and works great also and the knife jigs both long and short, I find these to be burdensome to use and I can achieve a good edge by freehanding easier.

Keith Outten
01-02-2006, 9:09 AM
No doubt the Tormek is a killer system but the price is a heart stopper. I would place a bet that the sales volumn would go through the roof if the price was closer to the ground.

I wonder if we could get a bulk buy going and save some money. What would a hundred systems cost? Possibly the Tormek is one of those items that can't be discounted. Anyone know about their marketing policies?


Glenn Clabo
01-02-2006, 9:25 AM
I bought mine when they went on sale at Amazon for $299.00 so I'm sure it can be discounted.

BTW...Thank you John Gregory for the price heads up.

Jeff A. Smith
01-02-2006, 12:30 PM

More expensive than a Tormek, and uses sandpaper.

Allen Bookout
01-02-2006, 1:02 PM
Jeff, Yes it does---much better. Thanks! Allen

Dick Hergenrader
01-02-2006, 2:29 PM
Allen, I agree completely with everything in your original post. Jeff Farris is the owner of Sharptools USA and is the guy that did the episode on NYW with Norm when he built the sharpening station a few years ago. He is more than likely who you'll see demo'ing Tormeks at the WW shows. He sells a startup kit and also a DVD for setting up your Tormek. There is some very helpful info in this DVD and is much better than the video that comes with the Tormek. Tips such as using mineral oil on the strop and belt dressing on the belt, are not in the Tormek book or video. If you own a Tormek check out his website.

As others have mentioned, this is not a cheap tool, but I am a real klutz when it comes to sharpening. After figuring out which stones I would need, the cost of the Tormek was still high but made me feel a lot better after seeing what quality stones cost. It's scary how sharp you can get your chisels.

Mark Rios
01-02-2006, 3:31 PM
I'm sorry, maybe I missed something here. Did I understand correctly that a complete Tormek system costs $600 - $850 and then they make you BUY a DVD that tells you how to set it up correctly? I understand that a video comes with it but there should only be one way to set up to optimum functionality. It seems like a ripoff to effectively say, "Here's a video to help you bolt it together BUT, if you want it to REALLY work the best way then you need to spend more money and buy our DVD".

Just kind of seems WAAAAAAAAYYYYYY to caitalistic to me. I wonder how many of the DVD's are pirated.

Dennis McDonaugh
01-02-2006, 3:40 PM
I bought Tormek several years ago and got a VHS tape which explained everything. I think Allen is saying Sharptools includes their own DVD when you buy from them.

Allen Bookout
01-02-2006, 6:56 PM
Well Mark----Did I say that it was cheap or even moderately priced? My whole point is that it is expensive but it works and works well. You can get the basic system (starter system) for a lot less (just over $400) and is fine for all of your flat stuff like chisels and irons. You do not need the DVD as the unit also contains a good instruction book and a pretty good video. For me the DVD was good as I considered the price fair for what I picked up from it. I relate to visual instruction much better than non visual.

I see your point that it seems like the DVD should be included, but on second thought, it is not really a part of the Tormek machine package. This is a video made by Jeff Farris, President of SharpToolsUSA, and as they state, "focuses on specific areas our owners have struggled with in the past". They could include it with the product but looks like that they do not have to. Why give something away when you can sell it?

Nice try Dennis!!! I'm with you but Sharptools does not agree. Allen

Ken Shoemaker
01-02-2006, 8:06 PM

Sounds like your having a ball with your newest "machine". In an effort to help you get the most fun in the shortest period of time, I'd be glad to send you 6 chisles and 2 plane irons for you amusment.:D :D :D :D :D :D ;)

Scott Coffelt
01-02-2006, 8:08 PM
If you cjeck out Amazon right now they have been clearencing some Tormek stuff. They still have some items in stock i.e., wood turners kit for around $135.

Jeff Farris
01-02-2006, 11:50 PM
My thanks to Allen, David and Dick for their kind words about me personally and about the system I have devoted the last 13 years of my life to promoting. Another thanks to Jay Knoll for bringing Sawmill Creek and this thread to my attention.

I would like to address a couple of issues raised in the thread and hopefully clear up some misunderstandings.

Re: Mark Rios' comment that the DVD should be included. Allen has given the explanation perfectly. The Owner's Handbook that is included with the machine is excellent, and getting better all the time. It is constantly updated and those updates can be downloaded from TORMEK's website. The VHS video that comes from the factory is good, but not great. It was developed to be used in the entire world by over-dubbing the appropriate language. It also tries to cover the entire TORMEK system in 23 minutes.

I developed "Getting to Know Your TORMEK" to accomplish a couple of goals. The first was to give my customers who want it a "head start" on learning their system. The second was to have something to differentiate my company from every other TORMEK distributor. And finally, I wanted something of value that I can use as a promotion. If you buy a TORMEK at The Woodworking Shows, part of the show special is the DVD. If I give it away all the time through all the channels I distribute through, then it is no longer a "special". As far as "...only one way to set up to optimum functionality", I have to say that I have never done anything from instructions where more explanation was not welcome.

Finally, re: Scott's head's up on Amazon.

There will be a formal announcement upcoming (that I will try to get directed to Sawmill Creek) explaining the dissolution of the relationship between TORMEK and Amazon. The crux of the matter is that TORMEK has decided that all dealers must have a retail presence to service their customers. While most of us operate on multiple levels (retail, internet, trade shows, etc.) Amazon has no retail presence and no trained personnel.

You may snag a bargain from some of their left over inventory, but make absolutely sure it is in stock before you give them payment.

Dennis Peacock
01-03-2006, 12:04 AM
I got a Tormek a few years ago and LOVE it!!!!! I have several, well, almost all the jigs for it and even the local WW buddies of mine come and use the Tormek from time to time. I've yet to have to purchase anything for my tormek and it's still on the same stone that came with it. It gets used a lot, just ask Steve Clardy!!!:p :D

Allen Bookout
01-03-2006, 7:24 PM
Jeff Farris, Thanks for joining in. It is always good to have the companies and their owners and employees giving input. It eliminates the rumors and eliminates the process of the buyer having to guess as to what is fact and what is fiction. Shiraz Balolia of Grizzly Tools joins in from time to time to give quailty information and it really makes me feel that he cares. Makes a difference to me!!!!


Keith Outten
01-03-2006, 9:10 PM
Welcome to The Creek Jeff.

Jack Hogoboom
01-03-2006, 11:03 PM

Thanks for the heads up. Thanks to you, I just ordered the woodturner's accessory kit for my Tormek from Amazon. Looks like there is very little left to pick over.

I also went to your website which I had never seen before. Lots of terrific resources that I intend to use. Do you sell your DVD separately from the sharpening system?


Jeff Farris
01-04-2006, 6:56 PM

...<snip> Do you sell your DVD separately from the sharpening system?


Yes, we do. It is listed in the "Accessories" section of the "Store". I would link it, but I am not sure if that is kosher with SMC.

Scott Coffelt
01-05-2006, 8:48 AM
My stuff from Amazon is scheduled to arrive today, so unless the box is empty or something else is in it, it looks like I was lucky to get my Wood Turner's accessories.

Jack Hogoboom
01-05-2006, 6:56 PM

Thanks for the tip. I ordered the new products trifecta from your site. I won't even take the system out of the box until I watch the DVD.:D

