View Full Version : Oops

Stephen L King
10-26-2020, 9:22 AM
I was turning some bottle stoppers for Christmas yesterday. I got one finished and went to take it off the mandrel, and it will not unscrew. I have tried every way of holding it I can think of and it will not break free. My fear is that the ca I used to finish it may have run over the end and glued it to the mandrel. I quit and went inside to think on the problem before I messed things up worse. The only things I can think of is running ca remover along the joint, or running a thin kerf blade between the mandrel and the stopper. Anything else I can try?

Brian Brown
10-26-2020, 10:56 AM
Depending on the wood species, I would try heat. Some wood species crack easily with heat; ebony comes to mind. Most adhesives don't fare well with heat. You can heat the mandrel in a variety of ways. A heat gun or torch would be the easiest and most controled if you have them. The kitchen stove could also work if the wife is not present. Just heat the mandrel a little at a time, and try to unscrew. No success, heat a little more. Rinse lather repeat, until it comes loose. Observe common sense care regarding heat, fingers and burning wood.

Stephen L King
10-26-2020, 11:05 AM
The wood is Osage Orange. I will try that tonight when I get home.

Kyle Iwamoto
10-26-2020, 12:13 PM
Hmmm. Polar viewpoints.
I'm going to say try the freezer. Ice water helps break CA when you glue your fingers together. The wife taught me that. I mean, I heard that somewhere. Not that I personally glued my fingers together.:rolleyes:

Richard Coers
10-26-2020, 12:54 PM
I've used a utility knife as a super narrow parting tool like that before.

Robert D Evans
10-26-2020, 2:02 PM
I've never tried CA Debonder before but I bet it would work.


Edward Weingarden
10-26-2020, 2:43 PM
Pour or soak the Stopper/Mandrel joint with acetone. You'll be able to reapply the ca finish.

Kyle Iwamoto
10-27-2020, 10:55 AM
Anything work for you? Just wondering.
I know it's too late now, but, I bought a pack of 3/8" nylon washers (or what ever size your mandrel is) to prevent that from happening. You can get the nylon washers from you local big box hardware store. Obviously you need to undo the stopper and mandrel and put the washer in before you finish. Having the washer in when you start does create a couple problems, but can be done.

Paul Williams
10-27-2020, 11:02 AM
I would try cutting it off with a utility knife or similar thin blade as my first attempt. I think that is the least likely to damage your work. If that doesn't work and your mandrel is 100% metal, I would then try heating the mandrel. I have had similar problems with CA finish, but never to the point where brute force wouldn't separate the two. I always figured I could turn another stopper if it broke instead of separating. Good Luck.

Stephen L King
10-27-2020, 1:02 PM
Due to weather and family issues I was not able to get out to the shop last night. I hope to get out there after work today and will try these ideas until something works or something breaks Kyle thanks for the suggestion about the washers. I have more to do.

Stephen L King
10-30-2020, 12:09 PM
I finally got it off the mandrel heat and cold did not work but a knife and debonder worked finally. Thanks for all the help.

David Walser
11-05-2020, 12:50 PM
To prevent this from happening, apply a light coat of paste wax before mounting the blank on the mandrel. Not only does this prevent a CA finish from gluing the stopper to the mandrel, it makes it easier to mount and unmount the blank (even if you're not using CA as a finish).