View Full Version : Anyone ever built a shuffleboard table

Bob Cooper
10-23-2020, 6:58 PM
Just checked the prices and they are crazy expensive. The one I was looking at was like $10K. Doesn’t seem like it would be that hard but wondering if anyone has any hands-on experience as most things that are pricey are pricey for a reason.

Jason Ost
10-23-2020, 8:53 PM
Nope but looking forward to the responses.

Jack Frederick
10-23-2020, 9:31 PM
No, but please forge onward and report back. There is a nice old one in a local bar/restaurant. The long time owner of the place protects that board the way only a motivated elderly woman can.

Dan Rude
10-23-2020, 11:58 PM
I found a reference for building one at https://www.shuffleboard.net/blog/how-to-build-a-shuffleboard-table/ There is a brief description of building a shuffle board in Wood Nov 2007. hope these help. Dan

Bob Cooper
10-24-2020, 3:46 PM
I’m thing the challenge may be getting a 2’x14’ wood surface really flat and stable.

Ronald Blue
10-24-2020, 5:35 PM
My son had one of the nice purchased ones. There was quite a procedure for getting it leveled in the length and crossways. If it isn't level the "puck" will track off every time. I'm certain his was more than 14' long. An adjustable base is probably more important than the board itself.

Matthew Curtis
10-25-2020, 3:06 PM
No, but I bought a 21' one a while back from a YMCA in Toledo. It was in rough shape. The table was pretty good. Just sanded and refinished with many coats of poly. The carriage it was in was almost completely refinished. This was an american table probably from the 50's or 60's. If you need picks let me know.

John VanDivier
10-26-2020, 1:33 PM
Seems like a salvaged length of bowling alley would fill the bill.

Stewart Lang
10-26-2020, 2:26 PM
The link quoted a few posts back has shuffleboard tables for $1500-2500 and they look decent. You'll spend just shy of that on materials if you build one out of hardwoods. Not to mention the challenge of leveling a 12', 14, 20' top, etc.

I'd be seriously tempted to just buy one outright. Just cause you saw one at $10k doesn't mean that's the only price point. Shop around a bit.

Bob Cooper
10-26-2020, 10:19 PM
Stewart...after my post I actually did that and did realize that they were available for cheaper. I’m buying a pool table and was looking at that company’s matching shuffleboard table and was surprised when they were more than the pool tables. I do have a good bit of air dried beech and Part of me is interested in building it but really want to think through it before I do