View Full Version : Shaper spindle "brake pad"

Jack Hovanec
10-23-2020, 8:18 AM
Does anyone know what I would google to find this piece of friction material for my shaper spindle brake? This is an 80s SICMA FN900 (not scmi) machine. I already reached out to SCMI in GA and they said they could not help me. It's definitely Italian made, but cannot find any parts info online.
I am hoping this is something I could find on the shelf somewhere? I just don't know what I would call it. Some people have suggested trying to retrofit an automotive brake pad, but that doesn't seem like a viable option. This is almost like a woven ceramic material, not a "solid" material that brake pads are made of. I think it needs to have some give since it is acting on a round object like that to conform to the curve. Unless I am way overthinking this.

Ron Selzer
10-23-2020, 8:50 AM
Looks like the material that was used on band brakes. Search for someone who relines band brakes as used on older tractors and automobiles.
Good luck

Matt Day
10-23-2020, 8:53 AM
Probably the same material used on bandsaw brakes.

Erik Loza
10-23-2020, 10:26 AM
As others have said, it's just regular brake pad material, which is what they actually use for bandsaws as well. Any shop that re-lines brakes or possibly even clutch discs could help. Also, if I had that assembly in front of me and a random brake pad from a modern car, I would probably figure something out. Good luck with it.


Bill Dufour
10-23-2020, 11:58 AM
If it is seldom used leather would work. Check a brake or clutch shop for relining material.
I have no idea about gluing to the steel band. Traditional brake linings were riveted on at each end with countersunk brass rivets. Brass so they do not score the steel drum. AFAIK all disc brake pads are glued never riveted, too modern.
Bill D.

"Friction materiel" is the search key

https://www.ebay.com/itm/WOVEN-BRAKE-BAND-SHOE-MATERIAL-2X1-8-HI-FRICTION-NON-ASBESTOS-FORD-SOLD-BY-FOOT/153594236820?hash=item23c2ee0f94:g:mwkAAOSwjkBdSrL H

https://www.ebay.com/itm/5R55E-Ford-Transmission-Direct-Drum-4-Clutch-97-up-Band/402220180056?epid=1122678769&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&hash=item5da630e258:g:QAsAAOSwq4VekznU&amdata=enc%3AAQAFAAACYBaobrjLl8XobRIiIML1V4Imu%252 Fn%252BzU5L90Z278x5ickkTboA95HSvGa1O5UmCCGJLi%252F r%252BUiZXhYx%252Bt84UQWRWIlKtZr3OF7YmfUTUFAN48alG j3FZhy%252FDC9oqmK41NDUMGsIWzFVyq4tfY%252FC7qbZ0T3 XUbmdWeZT01fcTrgyR2dOGJcyjeHYRpMGEMhZzOoIV11gO8Rue 7vFusFzbePevARDrX1JIe6U4noNCN2gTX88qezCsCW3phPz%25 2BHWvcVgYXGDAGFa0EPlHL5mrBv3UfDSm0fQU32D68U%252F07 XQKVjImlFnej6SfZUisRtYwLH84E3cD4j%252B5ni%252B6ka0 HQscd3GF7S3R0FUCzkRIPwdCrFdRzeefslGhI58mTZgnzvsDtT JZRIz5QH3Qzzo%252BJgegTfmAGIrkpsu2DpIkb9INjQUzSdla caQFNLHc3u%252BB2EkTysX8jp3ffMjCVOhsFv63NqL4N2TWsF bnGyrGhWsNrI1qW%252FTv1fW2EOXgzYnm6kBb6UoZltSqatbf pjWlqXrOtjzOnBI6rpBJ2eSh%252Bhe1oVl3%252FX7u8exB%2 52FqtY0Ejp5vTs6LyB8N%252Fpx8c4sj6FRAND0UE8UKw28fz3 jyOuo%252FV%252B427K0pdPsSxI%252BiSTbSPVDljafuB6il wgRogv%252FWGVYwIc0Ey9n10qy34Woao726Q%252FmtCBUapt lrrJwcIIKE%252F6Z0JtBLnc1mjP2JnfCxflmKyyrIdXXxnFZA W8ClQh4Z0xYCM0YXJAJ2%252BOduSO0VTmDKeHQvy2aH712vbL Skr95GEqO6R6vyzR2z8i3UDSjvnmHrf1S%7Ccksum%3A402220 18005676c07609b5114bae8a90c1d7b7db8b51%7Campid%3AP L_CLK%7Cclp%3A2334524

Bill Dufour
10-23-2020, 12:05 PM
How wide and what holds it to the backing? Does it even have a backing piece of iron?
Some older San Francisco street cars still use pine 2x4's for track brakes.
Bil lD

Ronald Blue
10-23-2020, 12:46 PM
What everyone has said. Here's an inexpensive source.


Jack Hovanec
10-25-2020, 4:33 PM
Thanks guys,
This helped. Especially the McMaster link. Just what I needed.
I'm hoping I can just drill through it with a regular old drill bit. I guess I'll find out.
Thanks much!

John C Bush
10-26-2020, 10:13 AM
I had a brake "band" like that for an old rototiller that delaminated and an industrial machine/repair shop fixed it easily. Mine wasn't riveted so the right adhesive was the issue. Should be an easy fix.