View Full Version : alternative to ezcad?

Andrew Preston
10-22-2020, 4:51 PM
I know this will mean changing the control board but is there a reasonable / similar price alternative to EZCad.

USAGE: "50W Fiber Laser" Marking on metal tubes

Kev Williams
10-23-2020, 1:36 AM
At this time I'm working on a bunch of parts that the manufacturer can't engrave themselves because their fiber laser quit. Again. Last time was only about 4 months ago. I don't know the make of the fiber they're using but it's not a cheap Chinese thing. This was apparent when I was told that, to repair the machine, a new controller was needed, and because the new controller was an upgrade, AND they no longer made the older controller, AND their old software wasn't compatible with the new controller, the repair required they buy new software too. Total bill for the repair was well into 5 figures... ouch!

I doubt that such hardware & software would even work with a Chinese machine, but to be honest, I don't have a clue. Is there some 'similar priced' alternatives? Searching the 'net I find "EzCad3" mentioned, but little info... search for it on Ebay and NO results. I can find lots of questions, no answers. (yet)

After 4 years of fibering I've just learned to live with EzCad.

That all said, what are the issues you're having?

Julian Ashcroft
10-26-2020, 3:10 AM
It's just EZCAD at the moment, depending on the card in your system, you may be able to use a later version which improves things somewhat.

There's a possibility that Lightburn may be bringing out fiber control software, he has mentioned it, but it may be a while yet.