View Full Version : experiments in pyrography

tom lucas
10-18-2020, 6:48 PM
Simple bowl with a quilt pattern burned on the rim. It's pear. The pattern is from one of my wife's quilting books. I think it's called "Texas Star". Just playing around trying to learn how to use my pyro machine.

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p180x540/121663142_3356730324435116_3699099206135185160_n.j pg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=KOTxbEwwtSMAX_F_xz8&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&tp=6&oh=1a08c49f0ce07eb09c7d7f67d3fe4d91&oe=5FB1FFDD

Von Bickley
10-18-2020, 6:53 PM
Looks great...

Randall Pitts
10-18-2020, 7:35 PM
Looks really good, how long did it take to do the quilt design?

tom lucas
10-18-2020, 8:36 PM
Looks really good, how long did it take to do the quilt design?

Thanks. The burning went pretty fast. There's a pattern to it and you can get on a roll focusing on all the parallel lines. Copying it onto the bowl, I made a few mistakes. I should have been more careful aligning the patterns, or made the pattern bigger than the bowl so I wouldn't have needed to align the pattern at all. I used clear printable transparency film made for projectors. I'm still learning, and there are some things I would have done differently, if I had it to do over again. Next time....

Richard Madden
10-19-2020, 12:46 PM
Looks good. I like it.

John K Jordan
10-20-2020, 6:26 AM
Odd, I see no photograph.


John A Murray
10-20-2020, 6:57 PM
Odd, I see no photograph.


I don't see one either

tom lucas
10-20-2020, 7:45 PM
I pasted the photo in rather than attach it. I guess some of us can and some cannot see it. Let me try to attach it.


Perry Hilbert Jr
10-20-2020, 8:37 PM
normally I can't see photos and this one I can

John K Jordan
10-20-2020, 9:45 PM
I can see that, thanks.

Brice Rogers
10-21-2020, 8:59 PM
Tom Lucas, you mentioned in your post that you were experimenting with your "pyro machine". I'm curious, did you wood burn this by hand or did you use an automated/pre-programmed machine?

tom lucas
10-21-2020, 9:06 PM
Tom Lucas, you mentioned in your post that you were experimenting with your "pyro machine". I'm curious, did you wood burn this by hand or did you use an automated/pre-programmed machine?

By hand, a Burnmaster dual pen system. I guess a machine to do this would be a laser? jI guess one could mechanize an iron too. But not my cup of tea; I zero interest in automated CNC-like anything.

Brice Rogers
10-21-2020, 10:58 PM
In my opinion, that makes your results all the more impressive. Nice going!