View Full Version : material safety data sheet (MSDS)

Brian Deakin
10-16-2020, 4:01 PM
I live in the Uk and I am a retired pharmacist

.Before making a decision to purchase a product I often first read the material safety data sheet (MSDS) to determine the composition of products then use this information to decide which product is the best formulated for a particular task or represents the best value for money
It is often the case that a number of products at different price points will have very similar compositions

My question Do any other members use this process

Stan Calow
10-16-2020, 4:53 PM
I dont use MSDS to determine value, since I don't know the relative performance characteristics between constituents enough to judge. But I do look at MSDS to determine what product actually is, for example a product that identifies as an oil but has solvents and other ingredients that show it to have a varnish component. Or to determine what might cause compatibility issues.

Larry Frank
10-16-2020, 7:37 PM
I look them up occasionally to see what the main ingredients are.

Frank Pratt
10-16-2020, 7:57 PM
I use them to see if a product's gonna kill me. It's surprise how dangerous or not dangerous things can be. A noxious smell certainly is nothing to go by. I was very surprised to find that acetone & PVC glue (MEK), which are 2 of the nastiest smelling things I can think of, are not terribly toxic on the scale of things that are bad for you. Care must still be taken of course.