View Full Version : left handed tirning

Tony Sizemore
01-01-2006, 6:28 PM
I had a Friend over to the shop last week. He turns pen's and want to see a bowl get turned and give it shot. So I showed him what I could. In the process I had to turn left handed because he is left handed and I thought he would understand better seeing it from his point of view. I was terrified, I can not Tie my shoes with my left hand and they are Velcro!!!, But guess what. I did it, and hell I did it pretty well. I may have to do that more often.
Has anyone else tried this? What did you think? I personally think it makes me work tech better. I.E using my body, placing the tool correctly. I just thought I would share this you all.

Andy Hoyt
01-01-2006, 6:59 PM
Tony - Turning is all about being ambidextrous. Some are pretty good at it and others are like me.

Here's another one like tying old fashioned shoes laces --- Switch your hands when you remove the top from the toothpaste tube.

David Fried
01-01-2006, 8:48 PM
I find turning left handed handy at times. The speed lever on my Jet can get in the way when turning near the head stock - switching to lefty helps. Felt funny at first but is second nature now.

Dave Fried

Carole Valentine
01-01-2006, 11:34 PM
Turning is the only thing I can do left or right handed without even thinking about it.:)

Bill Stevener
01-01-2006, 11:46 PM
Kinda like Carole, never really thought about it. UNTILL I tried to keep my leg pumping the treadle lathe and then switching hands.:confused:


Pat Salter
01-02-2006, 1:01 AM
Rober Rosand has a tape of turning small projects and he mentions that he is left handed. We had Hans Weissflog demonstrate at our club this past year and when someone mentioned that he seemed to be able to turn left handed he said something to the effect that a good turner needs to be able to do both.
He surprised us by picking up a pen and writing his name with his right and then his left hand. He then blew our minds when he picked up two pens and wrote his name with both hands at the same time but started in the middle so that his left hand wrote his name backwards! I had to read that sentence twice and I'm still not sure I'm making myself clear:rolleyes:

Randy Meijer
01-02-2006, 2:36 AM
I type left handed....does that count??:D :D

John Hart
01-02-2006, 7:09 AM
Because of how my Lathe is situated, I turn the bottoms of my piece left handed. I also do my parting left-handed (One-Handed) Just wish I could Bat left handed!!!:rolleyes: