View Full Version : Evergreen Laser Corp

Gary Malone
10-12-2020, 10:36 AM
After several emails with Jean at Evergreen lasers I decided to send my Synrad 40 watt laser tube in for recharge for what I was told would be a 2 week turn around, this was June 15. Ten days later I followed up and was told they were overwhelmed with Synrad lasers and it would be a little longer than originally expected. Long story short after many emails (most were answered and I was told to please be patient) and countless phone calls with no response, 4 months now and still no laser. Was wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences with them or have any suggestions?

Kev Williams
10-12-2020, 2:38 PM
I'm one of the ones overwhelming them with Synrads, I sent mine in about the same time as you. I've been in contact with Jean, sporadically...part of the problem is my email, they were also having problems... but the biggest problem is her husband- who does all of the electronics work- was hospitalized for a stretch, wasn't told why and didn't ask. About 10 days ago I was told he's not 100%. Last Thursday I was told my electronics are finished, recharge is next and should ship back this week...

Yes it's frustrating but hang in there, and be nice :) These are some screwy times. Back in December I ordered a special hand-made item for my wife, to be built by a guy who lives square in the middle of Covid/Fire central in the northwest. I paid upfront, and I'm still waiting. But I'm trying to be patient. And nice ;)

Gary Malone
10-12-2020, 3:13 PM
Thanks for the reply and that’s good to hear. I just don’t understand why they wouldn’t take the time and talk to me on the phone and tell me just that, I can handle the truth. Please let me know how your repair proceeds and thanks again for taking the time to respond.

Brian Lamb
10-15-2020, 4:59 PM
I sent my ULS laser about the same time as Kev and got it back in just a little over the two weeks turn around promise. Might be the ULS vs Synrad part though. The recharge went well and it has been performing well, hope it lasts longer than last recharge (different place).

Kev Williams
10-15-2020, 7:23 PM
In my first email's reply, I was informed that Synrads will take longer to repair, and to expect a longer wait time. And FWIW, my laser, over 16 years old, was working perfectly one night, the next morning it wouldn't burn thru the white cap on the Lasermax I was trying engrave unless I slowed it down to Cermark speeds; the tube's electronics went toast...

Dave Sheldrake
10-17-2020, 2:02 PM
I know Jean + Phil well, I can say without any fear of contradiction those folks have forgotten more about lasers than I'll ever know. It will be worth the wait for sure :)

Gary Malone
10-26-2020, 6:54 PM
Just a quick update, I did get an email shortly after my first post saying that my laser was in the works and would be shipped last Monday. It did come in Thursday and of course I was out of town for the weekend. So I got it this morning and reinstalled it and everything seems to be operating OK. They did discount my repair some for the wait and I guess alls well that ends well. Thanks for the replies!

Kev Williams
10-26-2020, 11:42 PM
Glad you got it finally! I'm still waiting... Not so concerned about the wait as I am that my tube may be giving them fits and/or is un-repairable. THAT would be just typical of my luck lately...

Kev Williams
11-20-2020, 11:40 PM
Thanks for the reply and that’s good to hear. I just don’t understand why they wouldn’t take the time and talk to me on the phone and tell me just that, I can handle the truth. Please let me know how your repair proceeds and thanks again for taking the time to respond.

Reason I'm responding so late is, I got an email from Jean yesterday. Yeah, still waiting. Got an email a couple of weeks ago too, laser was repaired but was short on power, going back on the bench. Yesterday's email was pretty much the same. Can't get more than 30W power out of it. It's a 40w Synrad. Can't believe my luck lately. Jean said 'there may be other options' or I can take it as is, no charge for the recharge, just pay for the electronics repairs. I emailed back about the options, and expected longevity as is. I'm getting desperate for it so I'm likely going to take it as is. Just seems weird that the thing was working like new one night- and I can attest to 'like new' based on 15 years use and never having to up the power or slow the machine down to compensate for any power loss. I was cutting 1/8" Rowmark that night, same settings I've used since 2004. Next morning I could barely put a mark on white Rowmark. I'm wondering if the thing maybe never did put out a full 40w. Guess I'll find out :)

As to my highlighting the quote, when I opened up this thread I re-read all the posts, and that sentence stood out, because I can answer that question: Like them I'm a 2 person business, and busy as hell. Answering phone calls is normally a necessary evil, but some days you can never get any work done because of non-stop phone calls. It's not unusual for me to get 12 to 15 or more phone calls a day. Sometimes these calls can get pretty 'wordy', eating 10 or 15 minutes easy. 15 calls at 15 minutes is nearly 4 hours of time that I'm NOT getting production work done. So some days I just have to let the machine pick up many of the calls. Another example, I've been doing business with a guy for 20 years who sells 'car' stuff I make, he's had an online store since 1999, and he does NO business by phone, only thru email. He has a day job and simply can't chat with customers. (And anyone who talks cars knows, 20-30 minute BS sessions are normal! ;) )

It's nothing personal, it's just a way to manage the daily chaos! :)