View Full Version : source for USB cable

Bill Dufour
10-04-2020, 3:27 PM
I need to buy a USB cable. Most stores do not sell one that is regular USB-A on both ends. Plenty with USB and some oddball smaller version of USB on the other end. I found one at best buy for $30. I could not find any on ebay because I do not know what to search for. They also seem to have disabled their search engine. when I say minus micro, minus mini etc all the hits have those terms in the title. Meaning there is no way to narrow the search. Time to find a replacement for ebay I guess. Just like I no longer use Home Depot or Lowes search engines for the same reason, and they tell me they have no stores within 100 miles while I know of four in town.
Bil lD.

David Publicover
10-04-2020, 3:34 PM
Hi Bill,
Did you try Monoprice.com? I have used them in the past and they have a pretty wide selection.
No affiliation other than as a customer.
Good luck!

Ronald Blue
10-04-2020, 3:35 PM
Amazon has them. Just searched for usb a to a.


Mike Henderson
10-04-2020, 3:42 PM
Yes, Amazon seems to have a bunch. I searched on "usb a to usb a" and found them.


Bruce Wrenn
10-04-2020, 9:12 PM
Ebay has hundreds. Search USB cable A to A. What total length do you need?

Jim Matthews
10-05-2020, 6:29 AM
+1 on Monoprice

I get all my computer interconnect cables there..

Cheap, fast and reliable

Jim Becker
10-05-2020, 9:10 AM
And Monoprice also sells on Amazon. :) :D

I mostly use Amazon Basics cables, but have also purchased Monoprice for a particular length required, such as for a phone mount in my vehicles.

mike stenson
10-05-2020, 10:34 AM
Monoprice is ok. I've been a customer for a very long time. I've never had them actually replace a broken cable however. Not once, they've always been unavailable.. so at most I've gotten store credit. I suppose that's fine.

Charlie Velasquez
10-05-2020, 11:48 AM
I have never used an A-A usb cable. What are some uses?

Back in the 80’s and 90’s I used “cross-over” rj-45’s to transfer data sometimes, but have never used the usb flavored design.

Mike Henderson
10-05-2020, 12:29 PM
I have never used an A-A usb cable. What are some uses?

Back in the 80’s and 90’s I used “cross-over” rj-45’s to transfer data sometimes, but have never used the usb flavored design.

I can tell you one use. I had an external enclosure for a 2.5" disk drive that used a USB A to connect to the enclosure. Then it needed a USB A to connect to the computer. Now, however, most new enclosures are using USB C on the enclosure and either a USB A or USB C to the computer.


lowell holmes
10-05-2020, 1:18 PM
Try this site: https://www.google.com/search?q=usb+cable+for+printer+home+depot&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjurqeO-p3sAhVGYK0KHeoHDFsQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=usb+cable+for+printer+home+depot&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDDoCCAA6BAgAEB46BggAEAUQHjoGCAAQCBA eOgQIABAYUPU_WIPXAWCT6QFoAXAAeACAAUmIAewFkgECMTKYA QCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=vVR7X67cI8bAtQXqj7DYBQ&bih=678&biw=1422

Bill Dufour
10-05-2020, 2:20 PM
Thanks again. MY previous response got lost? Mike is correct this is to add a external SSD the external DVD came with a usb cable attached.
Bill D

Lee DeRaud
10-06-2020, 7:16 PM
I can tell you one use. I had an external enclosure for a 2.5" disk drive that used a USB A to connect to the enclosure. Then it needed a USB A to connect to the computer. Now, however, most new enclosures are using USB C on the enclosure and either a USB A or USB C to the computer.

MikeBought at Frys? I used to have one of those enclosures with the female-A socket, never saw it anywhere else. But it was USB2, so it's long since gone.

Mike Henderson
10-06-2020, 11:17 PM
Bought at Frys? I used to have one of those enclosures with the female-A socket, never saw it anywhere else. But it was USB2, so it's long since gone.

No, I'm pretty sure I got it on Amazon. It's been a while back. I still have it, use it on my wife's computer (it's USB 3.0). All my other external enclosures are USB C.
