View Full Version : Izzy Swan's Pocket Hole Cutter

Bruce Wrenn
10-02-2020, 9:26 PM
His video is about five years old, but worth watching. His pocket hole cutter is like no other. It's over on You tube.

Bruce Wrenn
10-05-2020, 8:46 AM
Surprise, surprise, 235 views, and no one posted a link?

Dan Rude
10-05-2020, 6:50 PM
Here you go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5RRtGSRyfM
Looks interesting. Dan

mike stenson
10-05-2020, 7:11 PM
I'm wondering why we should post a link, wouldn't the OP want to do that?

Bruce Wrenn
10-05-2020, 9:36 PM
I'm wondering why we should post a link, wouldn't the OP want to do that?

If you want to know about something, don't be lazy, look it up. Then if you feel inclined to share, then post a link. Oh yeah, I don't remember how to post a link, so that's why I didn't post a link.