View Full Version : How do you store plow/router/etc blades?

Thomas Crawford
09-30-2020, 2:17 PM
Looking for inspiration. Tool roll? Custom box? French fit in a drawer? I'd like them labeled and easy to get the one I need.

Here's my current setup, a bunch of boxes in another box that's too small.


Jim Koepke
09-30-2020, 3:49 PM
Looking for inspiration. Tool roll? Custom box? French fit in a drawer? I'd like them labeled and easy to get the one I need.

Here's my current setup, a bunch of boxes in another box that's too small.

My #45 plane blades are kept on a shelf in their original boxes:


The lines drawn on the ends of the boxes indicate which box has plow blades and which box has beading blades.

There are more #45 blades in a user made holder. It isn't too difficult to make boxes like these.

There have been some recent posts on storing a router plane.

This one asked how people store their router planes > https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?280858 < It had some images with storage arrangements including blade holding.

This one is on a router plane box from Lee Valley > https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?282615 < The LV router plane box has blade storage.

Maybe these can provide some ideas.

Here is a shot of how blades are stowed in a #55 box:


There are five rows of blades in the box.


lowell holmes
09-30-2020, 4:06 PM
I store things in plastic shoe boxes.

https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk02MxQyo1UqosQEhcNggXCmTIrKjGA%3A 1601496276807&ei=1OR0X43dMJG0sQW5i6mIBg&q=shoe+boxes+plastic&oq=shoe+boxes+plastic&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzICCAAyAggAMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBY QHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIA BAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjoECAAQRzoFCAAQkQI6BwgAEBQQhwI6CAg AEBYQChAeUOR5WOKBAmCMjAJoAHAEeACAAVeIAdMEkgEBOJgBA KABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQjAAQE&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiNl8DF1pHsAhURWqwKHblFCmEQ4dUDCA0&uact=5

Eric Rathhaus
09-30-2020, 7:23 PM
I like to use small tool rolls.

steven c newman
09-30-2020, 7:46 PM
Look right under the rear handle. Also, the Router plane has it's own spots for cutters.

Orlando Gonzalez
10-01-2020, 9:33 PM
Wooden plow planes - tool rolls.
Stanley 71 & 271 - specially made box
Record 044 & 043 - in their original boxes

Erich Weidner
10-05-2020, 11:34 PM
I'm currently using the Veritas box for my router plane & blades.
I have the Lee Valley tool roll for the plow plane blades. So far I like the roll as I can just toss it into the lower cabinet of my tool chest and not worry about the blades or anything else in the cabinet getting dinged up or tossed about.

Derek Cohen
10-06-2020, 9:04 AM
Looking for inspiration. Tool roll? Custom box? French fit in a drawer? I'd like them labeled and easy to get the one I need.

Here's my current setup, a bunch of boxes in another box that's too small.

Thomas, I've posted these pics here before ...




Now I need to rebuild it to fit this one ...


Fortunately, it is not large :)


Then there is the Veritas Combination Plane and blades ...



They roll up and fit here ...


And it all packs away in this box ...


Regards from Perth


Charles Guest
10-07-2020, 6:46 AM
Looking for inspiration. Tool roll? Custom box? French fit in a drawer? I'd like them labeled and easy to get the one I need.

Here's my current setup, a bunch of boxes in another box that's too small.


My Record router cutters and parts are in a Baggie on a shelf next to the router. Cutters for my Record 405 are in the wooden box the tool was supplied with. The little router just sits on a shelf, with its cutter installed, next to a few scratches and shop made inlay tools.