View Full Version : My $2 garagee sale find.

Jason Buresh
09-24-2020, 5:29 PM
Stopped at a garage sale on the way home and they had a few junky saws with kinked plates, a brace rusted tight, a few screwdrivers and this thing.

I had never seen anything like this. Its like a compass you can put in a brace.


The little spurs need sharpening, but its kind if neat. Its marked Goddell Pratt. Not sure how much use it will get, but its cool.

Stephen Rosenthal
09-24-2020, 5:33 PM
It’s a circle cutter. I’ve got an old Craftsman for use in a drill press as opposed to a brace. I think I’ve used it twice.

Jim Koepke
09-24-2020, 5:59 PM
My recollection is it can be used for cutting gaskets.

Here is a different version:


Oops, a little deeper and this appeared:


There are seemingly an endless supply of odd tools made to fit in a brace. Most of them come from a time before electricity in the home and barn were common.


Jason Buresh
09-24-2020, 6:29 PM

That would make sense. You could set one point to the OD and one to the ID and you would have a good pipe gasket