View Full Version : Laguna Ceramic Guides - Thumbscrews

Steve Catts
09-14-2020, 1:59 AM
I have recently bought a used LT18 (Italian) that is vintage 2002-3. It has 12” resaw capacity and the ceramic guides are adjusted via allen screws instead of the more modern thumb screws that I think I’ve seen on the more recent Asian-made Lagunas (14 and 18 BX).

I’d like to know if there is a way to replace the allen screws with thumb screws without totally getting new machined aluminum components. Does Laguna sell these as replacements/upgrades?

Has anyone out there tried to do this? I wasn’t able to find any help on the Laguna site.

Jim Matthews
09-14-2020, 6:41 AM
Your local hardware store should have an assortment of metric hardware. A few pictures on your phone and a visit (pick a quiet day) would provide an interesting diversion for the staff.

Any machine shop could manage, as well.

Dave Sabo
09-14-2020, 8:03 AM
I don’t know what size it takes offhand , but these guys will have what you need:


Melvin Feng
09-14-2020, 11:35 AM
I would recommend figuring out the thread size and pitch, that long with the length will give you something to search for. I would start with Amazon for quick and free shipping, but if you can't find something there, you can try mcmaster, they have a huge selection of just about any hardware.

Jebediah Eckert
09-14-2020, 12:35 PM
I have a 2002 LT16HD with the ceramic guides. I was able to buy a kit from Laguna for $18 to replace them all with the thumb screws. The invoice didn’t have a part number but Laguna listed it as “Thumb screw kit for Retro Lagu“. I broke one and got a metal thumb screw from the hardware store, they are 6mm.

Steve Catts
09-14-2020, 12:37 PM
That is great info Jebediah! Exactly what I was hoping to learn.

Jebediah Eckert
09-14-2020, 9:04 PM
Hope it works out for you, thumbs screws were much easier!