View Full Version : That took commitment, and had to hurt.

Malcolm Schweizer
09-12-2020, 8:48 AM
Woman cuts off her hand to claim insurance. Left the hand behind, went to hospital. They went and retrieved the hand and sewed it back on. This also answers the recent post, can you sew digits back on? Apparently you can sew a whole hand back on.

she is now facing jail time, but she won’t be very handy in the work detail. Nyuck nyuck nyuck


Malcolm Schweizer
09-12-2020, 9:06 AM
Oops- meant to post in off topic. This was done before my morning coffee. That’s my excuse.

Alan Lightstone
09-12-2020, 9:11 AM
Have to hand it to you to own up to your mistake. :D

Carroll Courtney
09-12-2020, 11:51 AM
I think both of ya'll are funny,always need good laugh.

Frederick Skelly
09-12-2020, 1:44 PM
You just gotta wonder how the boyfriend - not 'husband', mind you - talked her into being the one to give up a hand. Think they have tequila in eastern europe? :)

I mean, picture it: "Here's a saw Julia. Cut off your hand. We'll get rich. I'll love you forever, honest baby."

Like Bill Engvall says, "Here's your sign"!

Malcolm Schweizer
09-12-2020, 1:54 PM
You just gotta wonder how the boyfriend - not 'husband', mind you - talked her into being the one to give up a hand. Think they have tequila in eastern europe? :)

I mean, picture it: "Here's a saw Julia. Cut off your hand. We'll get rich. I'll love you forever, honest baby."

Like Bill Engvall says, "Here's your sign"!

I was wondering what kind of guy would be able to do such a thing. Cutting off a hand is quite messy. I know- I've cut just the tip of a thumb off before! :-) * It was my own thumb, by the way. He must have really had to hold her steady. Note that although the article has a picture of a circular saw, which I am sure is a stock photo, it doesn't say what kind of saw they used. Maybe he is a neanderthal woodworker. Perhaps a Diston D7. I would hope filed for crosscut and well-sharpened.

Frank Pratt
09-12-2020, 2:23 PM
There is just a horrible story behind this horrible story. And I bet the hand amputation was not her idea & there was some terrible coercion that made here do it. I only hope the truly guilty party is found out & gets appropriate punishment.

Mike Henderson
09-12-2020, 2:36 PM
That is really sick. In Africa the gangs would cut off the hands of people who were working a diamond area because the gangs claimed exclusive right to do that. They did it with a machete.


Malcolm Schweizer
09-12-2020, 2:36 PM
There is just a horrible story behind this horrible story. And I bet the hand amputation was not her idea & there was some terrible coercion that made here do it. I only hope the truly guilty party is found out & gets appropriate punishment.

I didn’t consider that. That’s really bad.

Jim Matthews
09-12-2020, 4:05 PM
There is just a horrible story behind this horrible story. And I bet the hand amputation was not her idea & there was some terrible coercion that made here do it. I only hope the truly guilty party is found out & gets appropriate punishment.

This happened in Slovenia, last year.

Lots of jail time, handed out.

Jim Matthews
09-12-2020, 4:05 PM
That is really sick. In Africa the gangs would cut off the hands of people who were working a diamond area because the gangs claimed exclusive right to do that. They did it with a machete.


This was a deliberate insurance scam.

Frank Pratt
09-12-2020, 4:11 PM
This was a deliberate insurance scam.

I'd bet my last dollar that this was not here idea & she was not the deliberate one..

Bruce Wrenn
09-12-2020, 4:28 PM
You just gotta wonder how the boyfriend - not 'husband', mind you - talked her into being the one to give up a hand. Think they have tequila in eastern europe? :)

I mean, picture it: "Here's a saw Julia. Cut off your hand. We'll get rich. I'll love you forever, honest baby."

Like Bill Engvall says, "Here's your sign"!

Sounds like the guy selling his tools several years back to pay for breast enlargement for his girl friend. Most posters said "Get a new girl friend, and keep your tools." Girl friends are like buses, another one will be by in about fifteen minutes.

Frederick Skelly
09-12-2020, 4:48 PM
There is just a horrible story behind this horrible story. And I bet the hand amputation was not her idea & there was some terrible coercion that made here do it. I only hope the truly guilty party is found out & gets appropriate punishment.

Well I hadnt considered that, Frank. My "joke" isnt funny at all in that light.
Mods, you'd be doing me a favor to delete my post and any place it's quoted here.

Brian Elfert
09-12-2020, 8:38 PM
I have accidental death and dismemberment insurance through work that pays up to $250,000. It pays $250,000 for accidental death, but I believe it is also a $250,000 payout for loss of finger. Maybe it has to be the whole hand for full payout. I haven't read it in a long time. I would rather keep my finger or hand. The death payout only helps my estate since I have no wife or partner and no kids.

Mike Wilkins
09-12-2020, 9:46 PM
Same woman and her significant other both got some jail time for trying to defraud the insurance company by filing a disability claim worth over a million dollars.
I nominate them for the Darwin Award.

Malcolm Schweizer
09-13-2020, 7:47 AM
I have accidental death and dismemberment insurance through work that pays up to $250,000. It pays $250,000 for accidental death, but I believe it is also a $250,000 payout for loss of finger. Maybe it has to be the whole hand for full payout. I haven't read it in a long time. I would rather keep my finger or hand. The death payout only helps my estate since I have no wife or partner and no kids.

Mine was quite specific and gave different increasing amounts of money for: one finger, multiple fingers, a hand, an arm... and so on, with similar for toes, feet, and legs. Max was only around $50,000, which is not much for an arm and a leg, pun intended. I would, in the case of earning said payout, buy a nice car, and everyone would get sick of me saying that I gave an arm and a leg for it. My tombstone would read, “Here lies most of Malcolm, minus an arm and a leg.” I would require all my friends to call me “Lucky.” By the way, if you think I am kidding, you don’t know me very well. I would own it and use it to make folks laugh. When I was a kid, I had a horrible bike wreck. I was said to be dead at the scene and then revived in the ambulance. I was told I might not walk again, and for years I walked crooked and had to wear a back brace to straighten me up. To this day I joke about it. My brothers called me “Mister Lean” because I leaned to one side.

A few years later I had another bike wreck (I really wasn’t very good with those contraptions) and was knocked unconscious. My friends went to my house and told mom I was dead. She said, “take me to him- he’s done this before.” They found me, still unconscious, face down in the dirt on a 104 degree Fourth of July day. The paramedics revived me. Fortunately, I was mostly just badly bruised from that one.

Insurance companies hate me. I cost them more alive than if I would just die for once... so far I’ve done it twice. ;-)

Brian Elfert
09-13-2020, 9:11 AM
Mine was quite specific and gave different increasing amounts of money for: one finger, multiple fingers, a hand, an arm... and so on, with similar for toes, feet, and legs. Max was only around $50,000, which is not much for an arm and a leg, pun intended. I would, in the case of earning said payout, buy a nice car, and everyone would get sick of me saying that I gave an arm and a leg for it. My tombstone would read, “Here lies most of Malcolm, minus an arm and a leg.” I

I was incorrect on the payouts. You have to lose both hands, both feet, or one of each to get a full payout. The payout is 50% for a single hand or foot. You can also get various payouts for paralysis, loss of speech, or loss of hearing.

Alan Rutherford
09-13-2020, 6:09 PM
Cutting off your hand with a circular saw is taking things to a new level, but this is not a new idea. Ever hear of "Nub City"? Town of 600 or so in, where else, Florida was at one time responsible for 2/3 of all the lost-limb insurance claims in the entire country. https://allthatsinteresting.com/nub-city-vernon-florida

Bill Dufour
09-13-2020, 9:47 PM
I remember as a kid they gave us paperwork at school to take home so our parents could buy that insurance. Us kids read it and laughed about how you had to die in little pieces to get any real money. No one's parents signed up for it that I knew of. Did the school get a kickback? why else would they hand it out? Probably not allowed in school today.
Bill D

Frank Pratt
09-14-2020, 9:55 AM
Cutting off your hand with a circular saw is taking things to a new level, but this is not a new idea. Ever hear of "Nub City"? Town of 600 or so in, where else, Florida was at one time responsible for 2/3 of all the lost-limb insurance claims in the entire country. https://allthatsinteresting.com/nub-city-vernon-florida

Wow! It's a strange world we live in.