View Full Version : Infection Control - a different standard

Tom Bender
09-12-2020, 7:45 AM
My wife just had minor surgery, now she's bathing the wound in chicken soup. (yes a tooth extraction and a couple of stitches)

roger wiegand
09-12-2020, 10:01 AM
The data suggest it may be good for ameliorating symptoms associated with colds, but I'd guess inhibiting neutrophils would actually be bad for staving off an infection. Here's the paper: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11035691/

I doubt the effect is big enough to warrant discontinuation of the therapy. ;)

Bill Dufour
09-12-2020, 10:31 AM
being inside the mouth is a good place. Licking a wound is actually good. the saliva has anti-germ properties.
Bill D

Bernie Kopfer
09-12-2020, 11:54 AM
As a Dentist I have seen many strange methods and materials used to alleviate toothaches or promote healing. Of course the only ones you hear about are the ones that “work”. Never heard ” I tried this and ended up in the hospital with kidney failure”! Despite our efforts to the contrary the body does a pretty good job of healing itself. As long as we don’t do anything obviously stupid, ie ingesting bleach or Lysol, many home remedies at worst slow down the healing process and some actually promote healing. One off, anecdotal stories don’t prove a thing but if you believe it does it just might work.
Yes the salt in the chicken noodle soup could promote healing🐔

Mike Henderson
09-12-2020, 12:11 PM
I don't know if it would work in the mouth, but honey has been used for wound treatment for many, many years (back to BC). And now manuka honey has been shown to be even better for wound treatment.

I think it's because honey is concentrated sugar and bacteria won't grow in it.


[Manuka honey has a taste that I don't care for, but it is good for wound treatment. It does nothing more than regular honey if you eat it.]

Stephen Rosenthal
09-12-2020, 12:47 PM
I’ve used Manuka Honey for years, both ingesting (in tea) and for wounds. I don’t use it for baking or cooking. The higher the Aktiv, K, or U (depending on what standard is used) level, the more effective it is for wounds but with the accompanying less sweet taste. A happy medium is Aktiv K16+. The higher the number the more it costs. If you use it, be sure it’s New Zealand verified and certified, unblended and raw.

Bruce Wrenn
09-13-2020, 9:16 PM
My wife just had minor surgery, now she's bathing the wound in chicken soup. (yes a tooth extraction and a couple of stitches)

Chicken soup - Jewish Pennicillan.