View Full Version : Great gift for toddlers

Roger Feeley
09-04-2020, 6:22 PM
if anyone is looking for an outdoor toy, see the water table below. It has probably seen more hours of play from my two grandsons thaN any other single toy. I got the pitcher pump from Graingers but I think they are on Amazon also. The upper vessel is one of those bins for under your bed. I found some kind of plumbing thingy that stands about 1.5” high with a 1”hole so the water drains from the upper tray to the lower one.

fischer price make a water table for less but the pump is battery operated. The boys love pumping and filling things and their mom loves them getting tired.


Roger Feeley
09-04-2020, 7:06 PM
The wife’s Daily Harvest just arrived so now the water table is full of dry ice. Kids playing in the fog.

Jim Koepke
09-04-2020, 9:39 PM
My kids used to love grinding my coffee beens in the morning in a hand cranked grinder.


Matt Day
09-04-2020, 9:59 PM
That’s a cool idea Roger, my kids loved water tables in the warmer months. Though, i wasn’t the biggest fan because I was constantly changing them out of wet clothes. Lol

Frederick Skelly
09-05-2020, 8:21 AM
Great idea!

Here's another that I tried on my little cousin. It's simple and fun if their house has some kind of unpainted fence or painted siding. Give the toddler a pail of water and a wide paint brush. Tell them to go paint the fence. The water brushes on and looks dark like a fresh paint to the child.

That little kid had a blast. She was quiet and very focused. It was fun to watch. But Matt's right - have spare clothes.
