View Full Version : I am not subscribing

lowell holmes
09-02-2020, 7:29 PM
to any more woodworking magazines. I just get two now.
I put them on the coffee table for a day or two and read them. The content in them just doesn't interest me.
They are thinner than I remember them being. I have stacks of old copies with the writers I used to enjoy and if I get bored I can read them.
When these subscriptions run out, that's it.
Am I the only one?

Jerry Thompson
09-02-2020, 7:41 PM
I'm with you on that. If I see a mag. in the news stand that has a good article I will pick it up.

Matt Day
09-02-2020, 8:06 PM
You’re still not the only one, hasn’t changed since the last thread.

al heitz
09-02-2020, 9:21 PM
No subscriptions here. I can read 3 or 4 of them online through my public library.

johnny means
09-02-2020, 9:47 PM
You could get a twenty year old collection at an estate sale and get the exact same content.

John Stankus
09-02-2020, 10:03 PM
Is it an odd numbered month already?:)

Richard Coers
09-02-2020, 11:30 PM
The reason for the downfall of magazines is not because subscribers are quitting, it's the lack of advertising dollars. Advertising dollars were the big profit, subscribers were just a small necessary element. All the magazines will be gone soon, just the same as when all the boomers who powered the whole thing are gone. Boomers grew schools, suburban housing, hospitals, and now assisted living and nursing homes. When we're all gone, there will be an excess in all those categories.

Frank Pratt
09-02-2020, 11:49 PM
Another biweekly magazine subscription update eh Lowell?

Mel Fulks
09-02-2020, 11:54 PM
You could get a twenty year old collection at an estate sale and get the exact same content.

Thats crazy funny and ....a good tip ! And your kids could color the pics.

Jerry Wright
09-03-2020, 4:44 AM
Funny.....been woodworking for >65 years. I still subscribe because articles trigger ideas and creativity. Also they support what I believe to be an important craft and hobby. I just don't think that I have learned all that I am going to learn or need to learn.

Rod Sheridan
09-03-2020, 9:45 AM
I'm done with print subscriptions, don't need the environmental costs for printing and shipping magazines, I'm using digital subscriptions now.

Regards, Rod.

Charles Taylor
09-03-2020, 9:54 AM
Many years ago I was a subscriber to FWW, but eventually there were just too many repeat articles. I picked up one of the compilation CDs which gives me access to the excellent articles of the mag's early years.

I've had brief subscriptions to others as well, but the only one I maintain now is this one: https://www.mortiseandtenonmag.com/

Thomas Crawford
09-03-2020, 5:05 PM
I just buy old individual copies off amazon used as I need them

Carl Crout
09-04-2020, 9:16 AM
I still get Wood and have many years in my bookcase. If I need a project idea I pull them out and start browsing. I despise doing that online and the usb databases from FWW, Wood and others suck as far as the search engine goes.
Pop. Woodworking is now about a dozen pages and not worth it.
FWW is still good but expensive

Stan Calow
09-04-2020, 10:56 AM
I also despise online magazines. I still get FWW, Woodsmith and Wood (because its cheap). I also still get paper newspapers (old school). The magazines are a quick read and more for entertainment than education. Every now and then I'll get a good idea, tip, or project out of them, but understand why there's mostly repeat stuff. Its always new to somebody.