View Full Version : Woodturners Worldwide Symposium

Pat Scott
09-02-2020, 11:49 AM
I want to make sure everyone has heard about the virtual Woodturners Worldwide Symposium at the end of the month (20 days away!). If you could spread the word to your club(s) that would be great.

If you are on Instagram you probably follow @woodturners_worldwide already (if not you should). Matthew Deighton is the person behind Woodturners Worldwide and has organized a 3-day virtual Symposium for September 24-26 from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM PDT. Join woodturners from around the world for this 3-day woodturning event. Networking, interactive vendor hall, 40 demonstrations and more. There will be several live demos each day (similar to a Zoom call but a different platform), but most demos are pre-recorded ahead of time and played at a certain time.

Don’t worry if you miss a demo or can’t watch a particular demo at a certain time because all demos are being recorded and will be available to watch and rewatch for up to a month afterwards. You’ll be able to watch, pause, and rewind any and all 40+ demo’s for up to a month!

The schedule is being finalized now so be sure to check the website for the latest info. Even though a demo is pre-recorded, the demonstrator will be online to answer questions during the demo, and most demos will also have a LIVE 30 minute Q&A afterwards.

There will be 30 demonstrators giving over 40 demos: Michael Alguire, Mike Mahoney, Rebecca DeGroot, Jeff Hornung, Cindy Drozda, Matthew Deighton, Gregg Gallegos, Graeme Priddle and Melissa Engler, Harvey Meyer, Jason Clark, Lyle Jamieson, Phil Irons, Pat Carroll, and Kirk DeHeer to name a few. I just happen to be one of the demonstrators as well.

The general admission price for all 3 days is $89 ($30/day). People don't have to know who I am but if you want to save $10 off the registration price you can use code ‘PAT’ at checkout. This code is valid through the end of the symposium. If you do the math that’s less than $2 per demo!

Visit www.woodturnersworldwide.com (http://www.woodturnersworldwide.com/) for more information and to register.

This online symposium differs in several ways from the symposium that AAW ran in July. The first difference being that there will be breaks between demos! The AAW had demos scheduled one right after the other, with no time for a bathroom break or to get something to eat or drink. The AAW had all of their demos live, whereas the Woodturners Worldwide Symposium will have most demos recorded ahead of time and then played according to the schedule. The demonstrator will be online during their demo to answer any questions the audience has. You can stop, pause, and rewind demos, plus they will be available online for up to one month afterwards so you can watch and rewatch as many times as you want.

There will be over 30 demonstrators from around the world giving over 40 demonstrations on topics ranging from hollowing, texturing, burning, piercing, coloring, captive ring, bowls, processing wood and more...something for everyone. If a demo is playing that you are not interested in, there will be "mini-demos" (shorter length videos) throughout the weekend.

The list of participating VENDORS is growing. Some vendors will have their own video highlighting the product or tool they are selling, and will be online to chat and answer questions. Don't forget they'll be giving show special discounts!

For more information and to register, visit: www.woodturnersworldwide.com/ (http://www.woodturnersworldwide.com/)

Thomas Canfield
09-02-2020, 7:33 PM
Thanks for the additional information. Does sound like a very good deal and the month to go back and reply or watch on delay sounds even better. Sounds like very good format even if one only wanted to see a handful of demos. I hope the vendors do well.