View Full Version : LaserCAD and AWC708C Lite Controller issues.

Gabi Gold
08-27-2020, 5:49 AM
Hi Everyone!

I have recently taken over my late father's (most of you will know him as Rodne Gold on the forum) business after he sadly passed on in 2018.
I have found many of his threads and comments and this forum has been so helpful in teaching me all about the business and machinery!

We recently bought a new Ketai-1390 CO2 laser with a 150W Tube 2nd hand, which works on an AWC708C Lite Controller.
The AWC708C Lite only works with LaserCAD (I do know of Lightburn as well that is also compatible but of course you need Windows 7 operating system or newer, and we still use an old XP, so that option is out), we are used to working with RDWorks and LaserWorks, but the LaserCAD software is proving to be a bit difficult.

The problem is that when we try to cut a perfect circle, or any other shape that has continuous arcs, the laser head seems to be missing some steps as it comes around. Circles are skewed in the position of 2 and 8 on the clock, and when started at a different point, will invert and the missing steps show on 10 and 4 on the clock (If that makes sense?). We have tried all the mechanical steps to make sure all belts, and couplings are tight enough, nothing seems to be slipping and all other screws have been checked. I tried changing the stepper drivers as well, but still no difference. We have tried messing around with LaserCAD settings and parameters as well as on the laser itself, I have tried adjusting the Speed Acc, Cut Acc, Speed Jerk, Cut Jerk, Cutting speeds, UM/Pulses for each axis, changing the pulse edge from falling edge to raising edge, and still no luck. I even spiked the numbers to see if I could get a defined change but nothing! Squares cut perfectly fine, X and Y axis have no problems there, but as soon as they have to work in tandem, there are always the same two points that miss steps, I assume it is the Y axis, but because of the position of the missed steps not being directly at 12 and 6 o'clock and not at 3 and 9 o'clock, I can't see how it could be only one of the axis.

We also tried cutting the circle in quarters, this is the only way we can get smooth curves throughout, but we need to be able to cut curves without having to re-do artwork. I am not sure whether this could be a software issue, or maybe even a controller issue? But I am starting to run out of options. When we import artwork from Corel, we save it as DXF , which seems to work better than AI files, but PLT files don't even show up on LaserCAD. I also noticed on the software itsel;f as well as on the controller monitor, the files look strange, they look jagged and not nearly as clear as in corel or on LaserWorks. I can't even figure out how to do a hairline engrave on LaserCAD, and I have heard that if you just want an outline engrave, you need to basically create a contour and set that as the engraving path, which seems quite time consuming and makes for more work in design.

We are now thinking of trying to rewire/replace the AWC708C Lite controller with a spare Rudia Controller and panel. (luckily my dad bought spares!) Our only concern with doing this is that it won't fix the problem, and that we might cause even more issues. I am at a loss as to where to go from here, so if anybody has experienced this kind of problem before, and can give me some advice, I would be so grateful!

Thanks Everyone!


Kev Williams
08-27-2020, 11:46 PM
so sorry to hear of your dad's passing :(

As to your problem, SOMETHING is very loose in the drive train, and based on what I see it's in the Y axis.
This hole I enlarged- note the flat spots at 5:00 and 11:00. Those flat spots indicate a definite amount of slack... I can tell from this pic that the laser head was moving CCW. Lets say it started at 3:00, and the stepper is moving the head up and left, fairly normally. Once it gets to 12:00, the Y stepper is now changing direction, the X stepper is still moving left. Note the Y drive train was tight from being pulled (or pushed) upward, but once it changed direction at 12:00 the head moved X-left just fine, but it only barely moved y-down, until it reached the 11:00 position. At this point the stepper had finally moved the head enough to tighten the slack, and then it continued normally to 9:00 where the X axis now changes direction. But the arc is still near perfect. This indicates little or no slack in the X axis drive train.... the head continues down to 6:00 where the Y axis changes direction again, and the slack creates a flat spot which is even more pronounced-- the X axis continues unabated while the Y stepper again moves but doesn't move the laser head until 5:00 where the slack is taken up, and the head moves like it should the the 3:00 start/end point...

If you reverse the image or change the direction of the cut, the o'clock positions will reverse... :)

Something specific to the Y axis isn't tight, or is broken...

Not sure all of what you've checked but here's a list of what I can think of that may be loose or broken:
X stepper cog
X stepper itself
x stepper mount is loose or broken
x gantry idler cog
y stepper motor 'driving' cog
y stepper motor itself
y stepper motor mount loose or broken
y axis 'driven' cog bearing(s) bad
y axis driven cog mount loose or broken
y axis left shaft right coupler loose at driven cog
y axis left shaft right coupler loose at shaft
y axis left shaft left coupler loose at shaft
y axis left shaft left coupler loose at rear belt cog-
--ditto y axis RIGHT shaft couplers, etc...
y gantry left and/or right belt loose
y gantry left and/or right idler cogs loose or bearings bad
y ganty left bearing rail frame loose
y gantry right bearing rail frame loose
torn belt?

Gabi Gold
08-28-2020, 5:01 AM
Wow Kev thank you so much for this!
I am definitely going to play around today and check out the list!

Will keep you updated!

Thanks again! :)