View Full Version : airless rigs are easy to clean

Tom M King
08-25-2020, 8:31 PM
Especially if you are spraying outside.

Turn the tip around, and spray what's in the line back into the can, using water to push waterbourne through. As soon as you see it thinning out, or losing color, stop. A little bit of water won't hurt a thing.

If I'm outside, with the tip turned around, I spray the now thinned down remnants in the hose out of some grass. Stop, and put some clear water in the bucket you are drawing out of, and rinse off the pickup with the hose. Keep spraying until it comes out clear. The stuff on the grass will be gone the next cutting, or second if it's short, never to be seen again.

If you are going to spray again tomorrow, or a few hours later, put plenty of water in the bucket that lets you submerge the gun. Just drop it in until the next coat.

If you're done, suck some Pump Saver through the rig. As soon as it comes out of the gun, the rig is filled. Take the tip out, make sure it's clean under running water, and put it back in. You're set until the next time.

If I'm spraying somewhere that it's not okay of spray it out on the grass, I'll run it down a sink, and run plenty of water behind it.

I know people think it's a lot of trouble to clean them, but once you get used to it, it's a whole lot less trouble than using a brush, or roller.