View Full Version : Best last platform for engraving coasters?

Bert McMahan
08-25-2020, 2:12 PM
I have a potential job that would require lasering logos on a boatload of wooden coasters. I would assume a galvo CO2 would be a good fit for this, but I don't see many of those around like I do fiber galvos.

"The highest speed gantry CO2 you can afford" is obviously one answer, but I already have a gantry CO2, it's just not the fastest, and I don't want to buy a super expensive, crazy fast gantry laser for likely one job. Fiber galvos are so cheap I could make that price range work, but a US made high-speed RF gantry laser is too expensive (for this particular job).

Any cheap CO2 galvos out there? Or is there a magic way to make fiber galvos engrave on wood?

Kev Williams
08-25-2020, 2:37 PM
googling, I found a 60w galvo for $19k, sounds like a lot (it is), but the X factor is how much money will the 'boatload' of coasters produce? Any future potential for such a machine if the first job pays for a good portion of it? That 'future potential' is the most important factor. When I got my first fiber, and it was more than twice what I paid for the other two, it had generated it's cost in about 2 months. My 2 eBay machines doubled their cost in about 3 months. In addition to the three fibers I have four C02 lasers, and enough business to make them all necessary. But I haven't yet found the need for a galvo C02. Partly because if I get a boatload of something to engrave, I can usually devote 3 of them to the one job.

Ergo, in my opinion, unless you have a future with a galvo C02, you'll be ahead to buy another machine(s) you'll use regularly than one you won't...

art olin
08-25-2020, 2:42 PM
I have a potential job that would require lasering logos on a boatload of wooden coasters. I would assume a galvo CO2 would be a good fit for this, but I don't see many of those around like I do fiber galvos.

"The highest speed gantry CO2 you can afford" is obviously one answer, but I already have a gantry CO2, it's just not the fastest, and I don't want to buy a super expensive, crazy fast gantry laser for likely one job. Fiber galvos are so cheap I could make that price range work, but a US made high-speed RF gantry laser is too expensive (for this particular job).

Any cheap CO2 galvos out there? Or is there a magic way to make fiber galvos engrave on wood?

ebay - seach for - keyence co2 lasers - were 40G as new - galvo, 12000mm/s 2um resolution any other co2 (like theta lens or gantry system) start with resolution 60um and up - usually 100um, so 30 times to 50 times gain on the resolution from the start. Some with videos working on materials. You can buy 2 axis or 3 axis, some bundle with software, usually software goes into thousands.
Kind Regards.