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View Full Version : storing respirators and dusk masks

Bill Dufour
08-23-2020, 11:51 AM
How do you store a respirator or dust mask so no dust gets inside? ear muffs fold onto themselves to seal out bugs and dust. I do not want to store then a baggie I want then to dry out any moisture between uses. maybe a cloth bag?
I ask for both virus masks and shop equipment. My virus mask I leave in the truck which is clean and dry.
My welding helmet I store in a square five gallon bucket with a lid to keep off the dust and spiders. It held laundry soap originally.
Bill D.

glenn bradley
08-23-2020, 12:15 PM
In a zippy bag with a paper towel after air-drying. Quick, cheap and easy.

Matthew Curtis
08-23-2020, 12:40 PM
A paper bag

Jim Becker
08-23-2020, 5:22 PM
My dust mask came in a zipper bag...which is where it lives hanging on the wall. My respirator also hangs on the wall. I clean it before use.

Alan Lightstone
08-24-2020, 8:41 AM
All of the professional recommendations I've seen for healthcare workers say to use a paper bag. In plastic they don't dry as well.

That's what I use.