View Full Version : Rivierre Nails - Split Backboards

Craig Meaney
08-22-2020, 6:32 PM
Hi everyone- I split end grain on nearly every board nailing the backboards to my Dutch tool chest today, despite predrilled/tapered holes. Should I (try to) pull these off and make new T+G, or do you think I’ll be OK structurally speaking with these splits in place? Perhaps a little thin super glue could be a remedy? Pics attached.

I suppose I should’ve stopped and changed my drill bit. This didn’t happen on my test boards. I read Chris Schwarz blog about clamping the end grain after the fact.. lesson learned.

thank you for the advice.


Kevin Adams
08-23-2020, 9:04 AM
Hi Craig,

You might post this on the hand tool side. I would leave it and try not to look at it unless I was about to do it again and needed to be reminded of the lesson! It’s a tool box and probably not your last, so you’ll do it different next time. Plus, I think you’ll make more of a mess trying to get those tough nails out.

Paint it and fill with tools, it looks nice!
