View Full Version : A visit bya good friend

Dominic Greco
12-30-2005, 10:41 PM
Hello Everyone,

It's always great when friends can stop by and visit. Especially when their good friends you haven't seen in a while. Such was the case this past week when Gordon Sampson stopped by for a couple days.

Gordon and I have been friends since we met back in 1998 on Badger Pond. We just hit it off from the start. We started exchanging emails and before we knew it, we we're talking on the phone at least once a week. Whenever I run into a problem with a home or woodshop project, I can always count on Gordon to know a solution. He's pretty slick that way. Since he lives in Pearland Texas (just outside of Houston) I don't get the chance to see him much. But over the Christmas Holiday, we lucked out. While Gordon was in the area visiting family, he managed to find some time to visit with my wife and I.

When I first found out that he was going to be visiting, I immediately called Bill Grumbine to see if he had any free time. As luck would have it, Bill was free on Thursday. The cool thing is that Bill and Gordon have "known" each other since back on Badger Pond, but never had the chance to meet face to face. And something always seemed to come up to prevent Gordon from making Bill's Summer BBQs. It seemed only fitting that after dinner on Wednesday night Gordon and I watched Bill's Bowl Turning DVD in preparation for our visit the next day.

So on Thursday, Gordon and I jumped in the truck and took a drive up to up to Bill's. Being the gracious host that he is, Bill gave Gordon the grand tour of his fabulous "5 Barns Complex".:D

As always, Bill had some pretty spectacular examples of burled and figured woods hanging around. One piece of curly cherry was so cool looking, I just had to get a picture. (Oh yeah, that's Bill on the right, and Gordon on the left).


We hung out in the shop for the entire time and just talked up a storm. I hadn't been there in a while, so I finally got the chance to see the new additions to Bill's woodworking arsenal. However, I must say I'm really impressed with excellent service from Bill's Support Staff (otherwise known as his wife and daughter!). :>) The cookies were delicious! After a time Bill took us to a local sub shop for some lunch where he treated us to a very nice lunch (Thanks again Bill!). Before Gordon and I hit the road, there was time for a couple pictures. In the photo, you can see Gordon holding a beautiful Elm burl clock that Bill had just given him.


I guess hanging around a couple of turners had an effect on Gordon. While we were over Bill's the previous day, he purchased a copy of Bill's Bowl Turning DVD (even got it autographed!).

And before he had to leave today, I tutored Gordon in roughing out a bowl. We chose a piece of promising looking cherry from my wood pile. After some quality time spent with my chain saw, we brought the freshly cut blank into the shop and chucked it up on the lathe. To be honest, he seemed to catch on pretty damn quick! Gordon shaped the outside, and started hollowing the inside before he had to leave to catch his flight.


I promised to final turn the blank after it's dry and send him the completed bowl. And so there's no chance I'll forget, I even labeled the blank before it went into the alcohol bath.


I think we've just assimilated another one! (heh heh heh!) I wonder how long it will be until he buys his lathe? :D

Thanks for viewing

Ernie Nyvall
12-30-2005, 11:01 PM
Great story Domininic.


Bernie Weishapl
12-30-2005, 11:10 PM
What a great story. It is neat you could get together and spend some time.

Andy Hoyt
12-30-2005, 11:11 PM
Dominic - This is a perfect post. Why? Because it has the following essential elements:

Photos of TWO shops - both of which were messy
Creeker Visit times two
You plugged Bill's dvd and John Deere
No misspelled words, good grammar and syntax
And most importantly - You converted a flatlander into a turner
Well Done!:D

Bob Noles
12-31-2005, 6:34 AM
What a story and a trip to die for. At some point in 2006 I have every intention of spending a couple of days with Bill and learning how to turn a bowl :rolleyes: Just about got LOMY convienced that we need to make a trip up to that part of the country.

Thanks for sharing.

Jim Becker
12-31-2005, 12:01 PM
Sounds like a great time, Dominic!! You both look like you are happier than pigs in, um...chocolate pudding! :D

Jim Ketron
12-31-2005, 12:33 PM
Looks like a nice time was had Dominic.
Nothing like some Creekers getting together.
One of these days Im going to try and make one of Bills 5 Barns BBQs
I would like to meet all the Gang.